
Climate Events

From showcasing climate action to taking ambition to the next level, climate events provide space for knowledge exchange and discussions to strengthen the Paris Agreement’s implementation.


30 Sep 2021 to 02 Oct 2021
09:00 to 17:15
Milan, Italy


Climate and energy ministers look at key political issues expected at the upcoming Glasgow climate talks, COP26. Representatives from about 40 States attend, along with 缅北禁地officials and civil society advocates.


28 Sep 2021 to 30 Sep 2021
09:00 to 17:00
Milan, Italy

Youth4Climate: Driving Ambition

Almost 400 young people from 186 countries meet in Milan to rev up the call for climate action. They highlight youth leadership and push for a climate conscious society. See what happened at the in-depth debates, the day of cinema and the #Music4Climate concert featuring the world's largest rock band.

27 Sep 2021 to 29 Sep 2021

Regional Climate Week (Thematic Session): Africa

Hosted by Uganda, the regional climate week builds momentum around the 2021 Glasgow climate conference. The thematic session mobilizes whole-of-society engagement in climate action. Find out . 

Volunteers at the Africa climate week
24 Sep 2021
New York

High-level Dialogue on Energy

The High-level Dialogue on Energy in 2021 represents the first global gathering on energy under the auspices of the General Assembly since the 缅北禁地Conference on New and Renewable Sources of Energy held in Nairobi in 1981. Find out more

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24 Sep 2021

SDG Action Zone, climate day

Join leaders, thinkers, activists and creators to push for climate solutions like the circular economy, the great energy transition, indigenous perspectives on planetary health and local actions that add up to global change. Find out .

23 Sep 2021
New York

Security Council Open Debate on Climate and Security

Heads of State and Government convene at the Security Council to debate how to prepare for climate risks that can hinder peace and drive conflict. Learn more.

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17 Sep 2021
10:00 to 11:15

Deputy Secretary-General’s Virtual Youth Dialogue on Climate

Youth leaders convene with the 缅北禁地Deputy Chief to push for action on climate finance and adaptation. Find out more.

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A drawing of young people holding signs written there is no planet b
19 Aug 2021

World Humanitarian Day

World Humanitarian Day launches “The Human Race”, a campaign highlighting the human cost of the climate crisis. People globally run, walk, swim, row or cycle to draw attention to people most vulnerable to climate impacts – and share their efforts on the Strava fitness app. Find out .

World Humanitarian Day
09 Aug 2021

IPCC Report on the Physical Science of Climate Change

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change provides the most up-to-date physical understanding of the climate system and climate change, presenting the latest advances in climate science. Learn .

IPCC Report on the Physical Science of Climate Change
26 Jul 2021 to 28 Jul 2021
09:00 to 17:00
Rome (with Virtual Platform)

Food Systems Pre-Summit

The Pre-Summit of the 缅北禁地Food Systems Summit sets the stage for the culminating global event in September. It brings together diverse actors from around the world to leverage the power of food systems to deliver progress on all 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Read more.

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缅北禁地Food Systems Summit 2021 Pre-Summit
08 Jul 2021 to 15 Jul 2021

SDG Media Zone: Global Challenges, Local Solutions: SDG Action around the World

This year’s SDG Media Zone showcases regional and local SDG action, taking the meaningful and inspiring conversations between community change-makers and experts into the global public discourse. Check out the programme, including the sessions on the race to net zero and clean energy.

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SDG Media Zone + at the 缅北禁地High-level Political Forum, 6 to 16 July 2021
06 Jul 2021 to 09 Jul 2021

Regional Climate Week (Thematic Session): Asia-Pacific

Hosted by Japan, the regional climate week builds momentum around the 2021 Glasgow climate conference. The thematic session mobilizes whole-of-society engagement in climate action, involving governments, cities, the private sector, financial institutions and civil society. Find out .

Side Events and Action Hub at the Asia-Pacific climate week
06 Jul 2021 to 15 Jul 2021
08:00 to 17:00
In person and virtual

High-level Political Forum

The annual High-level Political Forum reviews progress on the 2030 Agenda, focusing on a sustainable and resilient recovery from COVID-19, and discussing several SDGs in detail, including Goal 13 on climate action. Find out .

High-level Political Forum
11 May 2021 to 13 May 2021

Regional Climate Week (Thematic Session): Latin America and Caribbean

Hosted by the Dominican Republic, the regional climate week builds momentum around the 2021 Glasgow climate conference. The thematic session mobilizes whole-of-society engagement in climate action, involving governments, cities, the private sector, financial institutions and civil society. Find out .

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A music show by a local band
31 Mar 2021
12:00 to 15:00

IEA-COP26 Net Zero Summit

Top international energy and climate leaders from countries representing the vast majority of global GDP, energy use and greenhouse gas emissions join forces to accelerate the momentum behind clean energy and net-zero emissions in line with shared international goals. Find out .

Harmful gas emissions
28 Feb 2021 to 02 Mar 2022
08:00 to 17:00
Nairobi, Kenya

缅北禁地Environment Assembly

The world’s highest level decision-making body on the environment discusses how nature can help achieve sustainability. Read .

23 Feb 2021

High-Level Open Debate on Climate Security

The Security Council holds a high-level open debate on the “Maintenance of international peace and security: climate security” chaired by UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson. The event features a special presentation by Sir David Attenborough. 

Rohingya refugees make their way down a footpath during a heavy monsoon downpour in Kutupalong refugee settlement, Cox's Bazar district.
19 Feb 2021

Welcoming back the United States

缅北禁地Secretary-General marks the US reentry into the Paris Agreement with US Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry. More details.

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The Eiffel Tower in Paris
25 Jan 2021 to 26 Jan 2021

Climate Adaptation Summit 2021

Climate adaptation is essential, doable and plannable. Join the , featuring 24 hours of online events, to define actions for the next decade. .

Volunteers operate a warning system using flags and whistles to help residents prepare for abrupt weather changes that may cause floodings.
11 Jan 2021

COP26 Virtual Roundtable on Clean Power Transition

The 缅北禁地Secretary-General joins national leaders, investors and others to explore how countries in Africa and Europe can speed up the shift from coal to clean power. Talks cover a just transition, green jobs and financing, among other issues. 

A solar farmer cleans a row of solar panels