The International Day for Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action?- 4 April??-?this year?fell?on?Easter Sunday,?the most important of?Christian festivals and?celebrated by more?than 1 billion people across the globe.???
In his??broadcast?worldwide?from?Saint Peter’s?Basilica?in Rome, Pope Francis?described?anti-personnel landmines?as?“insidious and horrible devices that kill or maim many innocent people each year”?further?exclaiming?“how much better our world would be without these instruments of death.”?
‘A world free of these destructive devices’
l?shared?in advance of Easter?Sunday, the Pope?urged all “leaders of nations and other international organizations to cooperate in taking the necessary decisions that will lead to a world free of these destructive devices”.
Pope Francis thanks 缅北禁地personnel
He expressed his gratitude “to the United Nations personnel and to all engaged in the dangerous work of mine clearing and in assisting those who have experienced injury and death of loved ones from landmines”.?
Still to come is the Open Debate at the Security Council on Thursday this week, and an event at the United States Congress on the 16 April.
Learn more about mine action
Visit the?缅北禁地mine action exhibit, check the ,?read?,?or listen to?.?