
Editorial Manual 

The United Nations Editorial Manual Online is intended to serve as an authoritative statement of the style to be followed in drafting, editing and reproducing United Nations documents, publications and other written material. Although based mainly on the practices and policies that have evolved at Headquarters, the present manual is meant to provide editorial guidance for all parts of the Secretariat. The directives set forth in the manual supersede all earlier guidelines on the subjects dealt with herein. For topics not yet addressed in the present manual, the (Sales No. E.83.I.16) remains the primary authority for United Nations editorial policy.


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Prepared and maintained for the United Nations under the authority of the relevant Chiefs, Department for General Assembly and Conference Management. Mention of the names of firms and commercial products does not imply the endorsement of the United Nations. For technical or editorial enquiries, please contact the English Translation and Editorial Service at etesfrontdesk@un.org.