The Division of Administration in the Department of Operational Support wishes to inform delegates and staff, that steam services to the Main UNHQ complex will be shut-off on Friday 13 December 2024 at 6:30 p.m.? This includes the Secretariat Building, General Assembly, Conference Building, Library, and South Annex Building.? The shutdown is required for the Plant Engineering Section to conduct emergency repairs affecting the steam service.? The service outage is expected to last 10-12 hours

During this period, heat and hot water may not be available.? All 缅北禁地Staff whose presence is not required at UNHQ during the evening of 13 December are requested to plan to work from home or another location. Remote office capabilities will be unaffected.???

Please direct any technical concerns regarding this issue to:

Michael Martini

Chief, Plant Engineering Section

(212) 963-6571


Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.