
Remarks at Closing session of the 2023 SDG Global Business Forum

Business leaders,
Ladies and gentlemen,

Let me begin by thanking the 缅北禁地Global Compact, International Organisation of Employers, and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development for their great collaboration with DESA to organize this year’s Global SDG Business Forum.  

Let me also thank all the distinguished speakers who have joined us today.  

This year’s event takes place at a challenging time for many countries and communities around the world.  

Many continue to struggle with the lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, ongoing wars and conflicts, rising debt, and the increasingly frequent extreme weather events. 

The experience of the pandemic demonstrated clearly that the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and all 17 SDGs are much more than a sustainability framework.  

They are also our best compass for navigating the impacts of crises and building more resilient societies that can weather the impacts of future shocks. 
However, as we stand at the mid-point of the journey towards the SDGs, the data on progress is sobering.  Only about 15 per cent of assessable SDGs are on track. 

It is clear that we need a whole-of-society approach to put the world back on track towards a better and more resilient future.   

Today’s meeting has showcased the efforts from the private sector, from local, national, regional, and global levels to make the SDGs a reality.  This bottom-up energy has filled me with hope. 

In moments of severe challenge, humanity has always come through. 

But it is clear that governments around the world need to do more to support and incentivize the private sector, including by implementing appropriate policies to unlock the impact of business on sustainability. 

At the SDG Summit this September, the pledges and commitments by Heads of State and Government must match the scope of our challenges and the ambitions of our common goals.  

Likewise, I challenge you, our business leaders, to deliver the changes and investments required to breakthrough to a better future for all.   

I count on your leadership and partnership as we march forward to the next seven years of the SDGs. 

Thank you. 

File date: 
Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Mr. Junhua Li