
Remarks at 10th Asia-Pacific Forum on Sustainable Development on "Towards the SDG Summit"


Distinguished delegates,

Ladies and gentlemen,


I am honoured to interact with you again today at this session.

We have been constantly alarmed that the SDGs is in danger. But we do have an opportunity to turn the tide, and this year will properly be the last chance.

The SDG Summit in September must launch a rescue mission.

Member States must take the opportunity of the Summit to recommit to the SDGs by announcing transformative actions that will close their SDG achievement gaps. Member States must also relaunch their partnerships and engage all stakeholders to develop concrete transformative solutions.

The 缅北禁地system has been supporting Member States preparations for the SDG Summit across a number of fronts. Most importantly we are working tirelessly to ensure that the deliberations and outcomes of this SDG Summit are backed by sound data and meaningful policy analysis, with a clear eye to actions that can work to close the most yawning gaps in progress and accelerate our race to the finish line.

We know that firm determination, bold innovation, collective action and strong solidarity demonstrated by Member States can bring the SDGs within reach. Our job is to provide the tools and support that Member States need to determine and define the most effective and impactful steps.

Our debate today can bring clarity on what is possible, yet transformative and ambitious enough, to achieve a future with peace, equity, sustainability and more effective multilateralism.

At the global level, Ireland and Qatar, the co-facilitators of the political declaration to be issued at the SDG Summit, are aiming at an inspiring outcome. And the first informal consultations showed that all Member States are committed to adopting the declaration by consensus. 

A candid regional dialogue will help ensure that the voice of Asia Pacific is heard loudly and clearly.

You can advance further the thinking on reform of the international financial architecture, mobilizing the power of digital technologies and retooling the global economy so it is sustainable, resilient and inclusive.

You may also bring forward recommendations for essential services that are high in quality and universal, protecting and promoting health, education, social justice, gender equality and human dignity. Lessons from the region might also provide insight into practical ways for rapid decarbonization to curb global temperature rise.  And you can help garner support for developing countries to address the current crises and build resilience.

The outcomes of this forum can serve as critical inputs to deliberations at the High-Level Political Forum in July and help inform discussions shaping the outcomes of the SDG Summit in September.

We will be counting on the countries of the Asia-Pacific region to bring your unique experiences, innovative ideas and ambitious recommendations to the table. I call on each of you to come to the SDG Summit with a clear, benchmarked action plan for moving the 2030 Agenda forward.

I am looking forward to hearing your views.

Thank you.



File date: 
Monday, March 27, 2023

Mr. Junhua Li