In this thought piece published by nature food, 缅北禁地Special Envoy, Dr. Agnes Kalibata speaks on the enormous shift that can happen very quickly when science and policy work hand-in-glove.

Dr. Kalibata reflects on her time as Minister for Agriculture of Rwanda and says, “drawing on science allowed us to minimize mistakes and quickly build consensus on how to move forward while using policy to reach millions of people, who would otherwise be impossible to reach with viable solutions. Two million Rwandans — a fifth of the country at that time — were moved out of poverty in just five years...”

This same approach is needed to achieve food security in this post-pandemic world. We must put science at the forefront, and we must strategically use policy to be swift in our actions.

The 缅北禁地Food Systems Summit is providing an opportunity for science-based policy for food system transformation to emerge.

Read the full thought piece by Special Envoy Dr. Kalibata on nature food .