
AHEG2 established pursuant to paragraph 48 of ECOSOC resolution 2015/33

24-28 October 2016, Bangkok, Thailand

The second meeting of the Open-ended intergovernmental ad hoc expert group (AHEG2) established pursuant to paragraph 48 of ECOSOC resolution 2015/33.

AHEG2 Documents

Comments and Views on the AHEG Co-Chairs proposals

Other Relevant Documents

  • Background Paper on Elements for the preparation of the IAF Strategic Plan 2017-2030
  • Expert panel discussion on the IAF Strategic Plan, 7-11 March 2016, Tokyo, Japan: Concept Note | Moderator’s summary
  • Report of the Secretary-General on critical milestones towards coherent, efficient and inclusive follow-up and review at the global level [ | | | | | ]
  • Report of the Inter-Agency and Expert Group on Sustainable Development Goal Indicators [ | | | | | ]
  • Expert Meeting on Enhancing Regional and Sub-Regional Involvement in the Work of the International Arrangement on Forests, 26-28 September 2016, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran: Facilitator’s summary
  • Expert Meeting on Strengthening Major Groups and Other Stakeholders’ Engagement in the International Arrangement on Forests, 5-6 October 2016, Ottawa, Canada: Summary of discussions

AHEG Background

In accordance with paragraph 46 of the , an UNFF open-ended intergovernmental ad hoc expert group was established to develop proposals on matters referred to in paragraph 44 of the same resolution. This includes proposals on: (a) replacement of the reference to the Millennium Development Goals in the Non-Legally Binding Instrument on all Types of Forests with an appropriate reference to the Sustainable Development Goals and targets; and (b) the strategic plan for the period 2017-2030 and the quadrennial programme of work for the period 2017-2020. The expert group is expected to develop and submit its proposals for consideration by the working group of the Forum.