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The decision was taken on the grounds that the Applicant did not fulfill the educational requirements. The Applicant argued that the decision was made in retaliation of his activities as staff representative. The UNDT found that the decision was illegal since documentary evidence showed that the Administration applied the notion of “public administration” randomly and that based on the Applicant’s educational credentials, he ought to have been invited to participate in the examination in question. The UNDT found that the Applicant did not submit conclusive evidence that the decision was...

The Tribunal found that the decision not to convoke the Applicant to the YPP in Public Information was not a separate administrative decision, since he had never applied to take that exam. The decision not to convoke him to the YPP in Administration was taken by the Central Examinations Board (“CEB”), upon appeal, on the grounds that the Applicant did not fulfill the educational requirements. The Tribunal found that that decision was null and void, since the CEB, which held its meeting by email exchanges, did not have the required quorum and the decision was made after the date of the exam...