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UNAT considered the appeals by the Secretary-General and by Mr Abubakr. Regarding the Secretary-General’s appeal, UNAT agreed with UNDT that the Administration had failed to address Mr Abubakr’s complaint of harassment and discrimination with the required due diligence. UNAT held that UNDT had not erred in law and fact in choosing not to recognize, in any way meaningful, the majority of the actions relied on by the Secretary-General to address Mr Abubakr’s complaints. UNAT held that, by virtue of the “dysfunctional” work of the Panel on Discrimination and Other Grievances (PDOG), Mr Abubakr...

No expectancy of renewal. Fixed-term contracts, such as the Applicant’s in the present case, do not carry an expectancy of renewal, but a decision not to renew a contract may not be tainted by ulterior motives or extraneous considerations and reasons must be properly be supported by facts. Exception. While exceptions to the staff rules may be made, an exception would not be justified in the Applicant’s case, because the Post that the Applicant’s appointment was budgeted against had been filled by another staff member on a regular contract. Accordingly, with the Post no longer being vacant, the...

The Tribunal considers that the Administration did not err in finding that her claims had been adequately addressed and that she had not suffered harassment. However, it failed in its duty to ensure a work environment that protects the physical and psychological integrity of staff. It awards the Applicant two months’ net base salary for moral damage plus half a month for excessive delay in the appeal process. Duty to take prompt action to deal with harassment claims: At the material time, the Administration was bound by a duty to take prompt action and address harassment claims. In the instant...