2012-UNAT-200, Majbri
UNAT held that there was no valid claim of unfair treatment and discrimination by the Appellant against the former Chief of ATS and UNDT therefore correctly limited its consideration to the interview process. UNAT held that the Appellant was merely repeating arguments that were adequately considered by UNDT and that there were no reasons to reverse UNDT’s judgment. UNAT dismissed the appeal and affirmed the UNDT judgment.
The Applicant contested the decision to not select him for the post of Chief of the Arabic Translation Service (ATS). UNDT found that there was no material irregularity in that all relevant procedures and guidelines were followed. UNDT dismissed the application.
In reviewing administrative decisions regarding appointments and promotions, UNDT has to examine: (1) whether the procedure as laid down in the Staff Regulations and Rules was followed; and (2) whether the staff member was given fair and adequate consideration.