UNDT/2014/053, Espinosa
The Tribunal decided, by way of summary judgment, that it was not competent to examine the application, since the Applicant did not contest an administrative decision taken by the Secretary-General as the Chief Administrative Officer of the United Nations and since the IMO is not one of the organizations or entities with which a special agreement has been concluded under the terms of art. 2.5 of the Tribunal’s Statute.
The Applicant, apparently (formerly) employed by the International Maritime Organization (“IMO”), appealed some decisions, not clearly identified, taken by several Officials of that Organization.
Competence: The Tribunal is not competent to examine applications directed against decisions emanating from Officials of the IMO, which is not one of the organizations or entities with which a special agreement has been concluded under the terms of art. 2.5 of the Tribunal’s Statute.