UNDT/2023/144, Tadic
The Tribunal found that the Applicant had not met the requisite standard to rebut the presumption that the restructuring was genuine and therefore a valid reason for not renewing her FTA.
The Applicant, a former staff member of the United Nations Office for Project Services (“UNOPS”), filed an application contesting the decision on the abolishment of her post and the non-renewal of her fixed-term appointment ("FTA").
A restructuring exercise which may result in loss of employment for staff members falls within the Secretary-General’s discretionary authority (see, for instance, Loeber 2018-UNAT-844). The Appeals Tribunal has affirmed that the Tribunals will not interfere with a genuine organizational restructuring exercise even though it may have resulted in the loss of employment of staff (see, for instance, Matadi et al 2015-UNAT-592) and the restructuring may have been unwise (see, for instance, Collins 2020-UNAT-1021). There is, however, a duty for the Administration to act fairly, justly, and transparently in dealing with staff members during a restructuring exercise (see Abdeljalil 2019-UNAT-960).