
Mardia Stone

Portrait Image of Mardia Stone

Dr. Mardia Stone is a senior consultant/ advisor, Division of Global Psychiatry, Boston University Chobanian & Avedesian School of Medicine/ Boston Medical Center. She is an international expert in public health and social policy development, public health crisis management and disease prevention in post-conflict countries. She served as a World Health Organization Consultant in emergency preparedness, Ebola Response Coordinator, and senior /technical advisor to the Incident Manager of the Liberia’s National Ebola Response (2014–2016). Subsequently, Dr. Stone was instrumental in the establishment of the National Public Health Institute of Liberia (NPHIL, 2017) and served as senior and technical advisor to the first?Director General of NPHIL (2017–2019). She is a founding Fellow of Liberia’s Postgraducate Medical College, which trains young doctors in multiple specialties.

Of note, Dr. Stone chaired Ellen Johnson Sirleaf’s Presidential Transition Team on Health and Social Welfare (2005-2006). Author of Konkai: Living Between Two Worlds (a Memoir) published in 2011, details the molestation of a 10 year old boy by an old male in his elememtry school in Liberia. She also co-authored the recently published (2023) book, Collapse and Resiliency: the Inside Story of Liberia’s Unprecedented Ebola Response. Mardia Stone is a specialist in Obstetrics and Gynecology and Global Mental Health, focusing on refugee trauma and recovery. A graduate of Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health, Boston University School of Medicine, and the University of Illinois, Chicago Circle, she also has a Masters Certificate in Global Mental Health/ Trauma and Recovery from the Harvard Program in Global Mental Health/ Harvard Medical School.

General Information

Tuesday, 5 December

  • Opening Remarks
  • Panel Discussion
  • Paper Presentation
  • Interactive Dialogue

Wednesday, 6 December

  • Panel Discussion
  • Paper Presentations
  • Interactive Dialogue

Thursday, 7 December

  • Panel Discussion
  • Paper Presentation
  • Interactive Dialogue
  • Closing Remarks