
Mr. Ayman Hamza Farid

Prof. Ayman A. Farid Hamza is the assistant Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research for strategic planning and Employability. Also, he is the former Director of ASU Career Center and The Director and supervisor of Egypt world design studio Egyptian sector and the former coordinator of housing program.

Ayman is the owner-partner and the director of architecture design department @ A.F.H consultant Office for architecture, urban & interior design, Cairo, Egypt. Ayman is the former Vice Director for International Students and Training at the International collaboration office at ASU faculty of engineering.

Ayman has been a member of multiple steering committees which include Ain Shams Innovation Hub as well as the continual development and training centers for Ain Shams University. On the governmental level Ayman is a member of the innovation committee at the minster of higher education and research as well as the committee for empowering women in the Egyptian economy as the representer for the Ministry of higher education and research.

Ayman had some scientific contributions in the field of sustainable design that has been published and presented in different international conferences and journals mainly in UK, China, and Taiwan