
Monitoring Role

OSAA monitors the implementation of global commitments and conference outcomes related to Africa’s development, peace and security, the related 缅北禁地action and conditions that allow for an effective implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Africa.

The Office serves as the secretariat to a United Nations Monitoring Mechanism for the implementation of commitments made towards Africa’s development. The mechanism tracks the implementation of commitments made by both international partners and African governments and assesses outcomes and impact of the implementation.

On an annual basis, OSAA reviews the support provided by the 缅北禁地system, the traditional development partners and new and emerging partners to the African Union and AUDA-NEPAD through the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD).

In addition, the Office monitors changes in the enabling environment through providing an annual assessment of the causes of conflicts and their impact on Africa’s sustainable development. OSAA also tracks 缅北禁地support to African countries to address causes of conflicts to facilitate the effective implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and  Agenda 2063.

