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Thematic webinar GPI in English

GPI 2023 Webinar Recording - English

Thematic webinar GPI in French

GPI 2023 Webinar Recording - French

Thematic webinar GPI in Spanish

GPI 2023 Webinar Recording - Spanish

Thematic webinar YPI in English

YPI 2023 Webinar Recording - Spanish

Thematic webinar YPI in French

YPI 2023 Webinar Recording - French

Thematic webinar YPI in Spanish

YPI 2023 Webinar Recording - Spanish

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Guidance notes, past projects and other resources

2023 Webinars GPI and YPI


2022 Webinars

2021 Webinars

  • Conflict Analysis and Theory of Change

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  • Thematic webinar: Civic Space in French

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  • Introducing GYPI 2021 in English

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  • Introducing GYPI 2021 in Spanish

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  • Introducing GYPI 2021 in French

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Earlier Webinars

Lessons Learned and Good Practices from previous GYPI

Lessons Learned and Good Practices from previous years?


  • Good proposals proposed specific and tangible peacebuilding results based on and clearly linked to a thorough gender-sensitive conflict analysis.?

  • Robust theories of change showed how capacity building and organizing of women’s peace constituencies could lead to concrete peacebuilding results.?

  • Successful proposals were able to articulate clearly the link between the proposed interventions and the intended peacebuilding outcome. Projects that focused on GBV or women’s movement building, for example, without a clear and demonstrable link to a peacebuilding result were not successful.?

  • Successful proposals clearly defined WHICH women would be engaged for WHAT reasons and explained HOW they would be identified.?


  • Successful proposals were able to demonstrate they were developed in consultation with youth(-led) organizations and reflected their priorities as well as an overall investment in them.?

  • Successful proposals were clearly informed by conflict analysis and peacebuilding needs in the geographical areas targeted by the project.?

  • Good proposals clearly defined WHICH young people would be engaged for WHAT reasons and explain HOW they would be identified. ?

  • Successful proposals linked youth’s empowerment and participation to positive peacebuilding outcomes.?

  • The gender dimension of the youth projects needs to be clearly articulated and defined.?