
Guidance Notes

1. ?Project Operational and Financial Closures 2020 English
2. ?Perception surveys and community-based monitoring for PBF support 2020 English
3. ?Gender Marker Scoring 2019 English?| French
4. ?Youth and Peacebuilding 2019? English
5. ?Cross-Border and Regional Programmes 2020 English
6. ?Checklist for PBF Evaluative Exercises in the context of COVID-19 English?|?French
7. ?Climate Security and Peacebuilding English
8. ?Youth, Peace?and Security: A Programming Handbook English
9. ?Terms of Reference and Rules of Procedures for the Joint Steering Committee English
10. ?Value for Money Guidance Note and Project Checklist English
11. ?Theory of Change English?| French |?Spanish
12. ?Community-Based Monitoring and Evaluation (CBM&E) Background Note 2022 English
13. Hate Speech English
14. ?PBF Project Evaluation ToR Template English?| French
15. ?PBF Project Evaluation Checklist English?| French
16. ?PBF Catalytic Effect Guidelines English?|?French
17. ?TORs for Portfolio Evaluations English?| French
18. ?PBF Project Performance Tracking Guidance English

Resources For Conflict-Sensitive Programming

1. ?UNSDG: Good Practice Note on Conflict Sensitivity, Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace English
2. ?UNWOMEN: Guidance Note on Gender-Responsive Conflict Analysis
3. ?UN/World Bank: Pathways for Peace: Inclusive Approaches to Preventing Violent Conflict
4. ?UN: Conflict Analysis Practice Note
5. ?UNSDG: Conducting a Conflict and Development Analysis Tool