

Technical Cooperation

Technical Cooperation Programmes

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Activities for the implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action: Integrating gender perspectives in Microfinance Activities (2001-2002)

Download the Project synthesis report “Reducing the Gender Dimensions of Poverty: Microfinance Policies and Practices”

Project Activities include:

Desk review on “Reducing Gender Dimensions of Poverty: Microfinance Policies, Processes and Practices” (2001)

The desk review examined three critical aspects of gender equality and microfinance: the causes of poverty and measures for poverty reduction; institutional mechanisms for microfinance; and, the identification of impact indicators. The desk review examined institutions such as the Grameen Bank, MICROSTART of the and the Country Women’s Association of Nigeria.

Desk Review
Synopsis of Desk Review

Organization of an online discussion forum with key stakeholders (2001)

An online discussion with key stakeholders on microfinance as a poverty alleviation mechanism was organized from 12 June to 31 July 2001. The online discussion facilitated an interactive exchange of practical experiences and lessons learned from key players on the use of microfinance for the reduction of poverty among women. It also engaged new actors (e.g. banks and policy-makers) in the dialogue as a means of building consensus on effective capacity-building strategies to address gender dimensions of microfinance polices and processes, as well as profile best practices.

Sub-regional consultations on “Reducing Gender Dimensions of Poverty: Microfinance Policies, Processes and Practices” (2002)

Two sub-regional consultations were organized in April 2002, one for French-speaking African countries, held in Morocco, and the other for English-speaking African countries, held in Ghana. These consultations aimed to encourage a dialogue among key stakeholders to promote institutional and policy support for sustainable poverty reduction strategies. In addition, the consultations aimed to establish a consensus on a minimum capacity-building package of support for microenterprise development, which could in turn be used to develop capacity-building programmes to ensure effectiveness and viability of microfinance initiatives and the creation of real opportunities for sustainable livelihoods for poor women.

Morocco consultation, 17-19 April 2002
Aide Memoire
Final Report

Ghana consultation, 24-26 April 2002
Aide Memoire
Final Report

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