
Meet Bernadette Gomina, a pioneering parliamentarian in Central African Republic

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Meet Bernadette Gomina, a pioneering parliamentarian in Central African Republic

A former midwife, Ms. Gomina submitted several project proposals to international organizations, and built a Women鈥檚 Centre in Bayanga with MINUSCA鈥檚 support.
18 March 2021
Bernadette Gomina est l'une des deux femmes 茅lues lors du premier tour des 茅lections l茅gislatives en R茅publique centrafricaine cette ann茅e.
缅北禁地Women/Novella Nikwigize
Bernadette Gomina is one of two women elected in the first round of legislative elections in the Central African Republic this year. Photo: 缅北禁地Women/Novella Nikwigize

Bernadette Gomina听is a Member of Parliament for the administrative division of Bayanga, in the south of the Central African Republic (CAR) and one of two women elected in the first round of the 2020鈥2021 legislative elections in the country. She details the challenges that women leaders face and how the Forum of Women Parliamentarians has helped spark change.

鈥淚 can tell you, perseverance pays,鈥 says Bernadette Gomina, who ran unsuccessfully for the legislature in 2005 and 2010. She was elected in 2015 and reelected in 2020. 鈥淲omen parliamentarians face issues at many levels: lack of finances, discriminatory behaviours and mindsets, but us women 鈥 we have our part to play; we must change our mindsets and get to work, together, to change this situation.鈥

The Central African Republic鈥檚 first-round presidential and parliamentary elections on 27 December 2020 were mired by violence and attacks by rebel groups.听

In the provinces, many candidates 鈥 women in particular 鈥 were threatened, robbed and even physically assaulted.听

In response to complaints by women candidates, 缅北禁地Women and the United Nations Police established a hotline to receive reports of violence against women.听

More women are expected to run for election in the second round.

鈥淚 didn鈥檛 get discouraged by all the negative experiences,鈥 says Ms. Gomina. 鈥淢y constituents continued to encourage me, giving me the strength to continue campaigning.鈥

Confronting challenges alone

鈥淲hen I first got elected, I found out that the schools in my locality had no teachers or equipment. Of course, each locality has a small budget, but it was managed by local authorities who were not responsive,鈥 she says: 鈥淚 had to respond to these challenges on my own, through donations and hiring high school teachers that I paid from own my salary鈥 because I couldn鈥檛 stand to see children in my locality lack a proper education.鈥

A former midwife, Ms. Gomina submitted several project proposals to international organizations, and built a Women鈥檚 Centre in Bayanga with MINUSCA鈥檚 support.听

She also championed 鈥淥pen Days鈥 at the parliament, when girls from high schools interact with women parliamentarians, and job-shadowing initiatives to encourage more young women to get into politics.

When I first got elected, I found out that the schools in my locality had no teachers or equipment...I had to respond to these challenges on my own, through donations and hiring high school teachers that I paid from own my salary.

Confronting challenges together

Since 2015, 缅北禁地Women has supported women鈥檚 political participation by establishing the Forum of Women Parliamentarians, in collaboration with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and by building the capacities of women parliamentarians and community leaders alike.

鈥淭he Forum has been an important [impartial] tool to advocate for women鈥檚 rights,鈥 says Ms. Gomina, its Vice-President during the past legislature. 鈥淚t is also a great platform for experience-sharing. When other parliamentarians talked about their initiatives, they gave me ideas as well. For example, I got inspired to bring solar-powered streetlamps to our villages following the testimony of another woman parliamentarian.鈥

In a country where women comprise less than 15 per cent of Cabinet and 8.5 per cent of Parliament (in the outgoing government), 缅北禁地Women has focused on strengthening legal frameworks.

Between 2015 and 2020, with support from the Peacebuilding Fund, the Governments of Canada and Sweden and UNDP, and through the Ministry of Women, 缅北禁地Women supported the revision and adoption of gender-sensitive laws, including the 2016 Parity Law, which provides for a 35 per cent quota for women in all decision-making bodies.

However, implementation of the parity law remains a challenge because of lack of enforcement. Although parties are required to have a minimum number of women on their lists, they can provide a simple explanation to the Constitutional Court why they haven鈥檛 met the quota to get their party validated.

鈥淲hen it came to the Parity Law and other laws on gender, [Forum members] 鈥 all agreed to convince fellow MPs and members of our respective parties to vote in favour. 鈥 It is because we were there, and we worked together, that today Central African Republic has its Parity Law.鈥

Leading up to the 2020鈥2021 elections, 缅北禁地Women, in partnership with UNDP, MINUSCA and the European Union, also advocated for and supported a gender audit and gender strategy for the National Elections Authority and revisions to the 2019 Electoral Code.听

As a result, women represented 38 per cent of local electoral authorities, compared to 11 per cent during the 2015 elections.

In addition, 40 per cent of electoral trainers were women, recruited and trained with the support of 缅北禁地Women.听

Moreover, 850 community volunteers have been engaged in outreach to ensure women鈥檚 participation at all stages of the electoral process, while 135 political coaches were trained to provide one-on-one coaching to over 540 potential women candidates.

With the support of 缅北禁地Women and 缅北禁地partners, women鈥檚 civil society organizations have also played a critical role in increasing women鈥檚 participation in the political space, says Gypsiane Aguene Roche, the Gender Focal Point with the National Elections Authority. 鈥淭hrough their advocacy, we are seeing more women emerging in decision-making positions and young women can look up to female role models in politics.鈥

