
Commission on Population and Development, forty-fifth session (2012)

23 April 2012 to 27 April 2012

Adolescents and youth


Members of the Commission

Bureau members

  • Ambassador Hasan Kleib (Indonesia) - Asia-Pacific Group (Chair)

  • Ms. Martina Težak BudiÅ¡ic (Croatia) - Eastern-European Group (Vice-Chair)

  • Mr. William A. Awinador-Kanyirige (Ghana) - African Group (Vice-Chair)

  • Mr. Pius Wennubst (Switzerland) - Western European and Others Group (WEOG) (Vice-Chair)

  • Mr. Sérgio Rodrigues dos Santos (Brazil) - Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC) (Vice-Chair)

Agenda item 1
Agenda Item 2

Note by the Secretariat containing the organization of work of the forty-fifth session of the Commission ()

Provisional agenda ()

Report of the Bureau of the Commission on Population and Development on its intersessional meetings )

Agenda item 3

Statement: Mr. Bela Hovy, Chief, Migration Section, Population Division

Letter dated 24 May 2011 from the Chargé d'affaires of the Permanent Mission of Indonesia to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary General ()

Statement: Mr. Werner Haug, Director, Technical Division, UNFPA

Report of the Secretary-General on adolescents and youth ()

Statement:  Mr. Jose Miguel Guzman, Chief, Population and Development Branch, UNFPA

Report of the Secretary-General on monitoring of population programmes, focusing on adolescents and youth ()

Report of the Secretary-General on the flow of financial resources for assisting in the implementation of the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development ()

Agenda item 4


  • International Women’s Health Coalition ()
  • IPAS ()
  • Baha’i International Community ()
  • International Planned Parenthood Federation ()
  • Fundación para Estudio e Investigación de la Mujer ()
  • International Federation of University Women ()
  • Equidad de Género: Ciudadanía, Trabajo y Familia ()
  • New Zealand Family Planning Association ()
  • World Youth Alliance ()
  • Forum for Women and Development ()
  • Salvation Army ()
  • Advocates for Youth ()
  • Asian-Pacific Resource and Research Centre for Women ()
  • Action Canada for Population and Development ()
  • World Mission Foundation ()
  • International Planned Parenthood Federation (Africa region) ()
  • Misión Mujer ()
Agenda item 5

Statement:  H.E. Luis Alfonso de Alba, Vice President of the Economic and Social Council

Agenda Item 6

Statement:  Ms. Cheryl Sawyer, Population Affairs Officer, Population Division

Report of the Secretary-General on Programme implementation and progress of work in the field of population in 2011: Population Division, Department of Economic and Social Affairs ()

Proposed strategic framework for the period 2014-2015: Subprogramme 5, Population, of programme 7, Economic and social affairs (E/CN.9/2012/CRP.1)

Agenda Item 7

Note by the Secretariat containing the Provisional agenda for the forty-sixth session of the Commission ()

Agenda item 8

Country statements (available here)

Ãå±±½ûµØsystem and NGO statements (available here)