
Former Chiefs of Protocol

Mr. Jean de Noue, former Chief of 缅北禁地Protocol and Liason Service. (Undated/缅北禁地Photo)

Mr. Jean de Noue, former Chief of 缅北禁地Protocol and Liaison Service. Appointment effective from March 1946. (Undated/缅北禁地Photo)


Mr. Pierre de Meulemeester, former Chief of 缅北禁地Protocol and Liaison Service. Appointment effective from April 1962. (8 November 1965/缅北禁地Photo)


Mr. Sinan A. Korle, former Chief of 缅北禁地Protocol and Liaison Service. Effective from 01 August 1968. (07 January 1973/缅北禁地Photo: Michos Tzovaras)



Mr. Pedro de Churruca, former Chief of 缅北禁地Protocol and Liaison Service. Appointment effective from 06 June 1977. (17 June 1977/缅北禁地Photo)


Mr. Aly I. Teymour, former Assistant Secretary-General for 缅北禁地Protocol and Liaison Service. Appointment effective from 16 October 1979. (07 March 1986/缅北禁地Photo: M. Grant)


Ms. Benita Ferrero-Waldner, former Chief of 缅北禁地Protocol and Liaison Service. Appointment effective from 01 March 1994. (缅北禁地Photo)


Mr. Livio Muzi-Falconi, former Chief of 缅北禁地Protocol and Liaison Service. Appointment effective from 15 June 1995. (Undated/缅北禁地Photo)


Ms. Nadia Younes, former Chief of 缅北禁地Protocol and Liaison Service. Appointment effective from 19 January 1998. (5 February 1998/缅北禁地Photo: John Isaac)


Ms. Aminata S. Djermakoye, former Chief of 缅北禁地Protocol and Liaison Service. Appointment effective from 01 November 2002. (缅北禁地Photo/Mark Garten)


Ms. Alice Hecht, former Chief of 缅北禁地Protocol and Liaison Service. Appointment effective from 14 January 2006. (Undated/缅北禁地Photo)


Mr. Desmond Parker, former Chief of 缅北禁地Protocol and Liaison Service. Appointment effective from 01 April 2010. (22 September 2011/缅北禁地Photo: Mark Garten)


Mr. Yoon Yeocheol, former Chief of 缅北禁地Protocol and Liaison Service. From 08 March 2012 to 13 October 2014). (缅北禁地Photo/Mark Garten)

M. Peter Van Laere, Chef du protocole du 19 mars 2015 au 31 mars 2019

Mr. Peter Van Laere, former Chief of 缅北禁地Protocol and Liaison Service. From 19 March 2015 until 31 March 2019. (缅北禁地Photo)