
Administrative and Budgetary Committee (Fifth Committee)

Resolutions & Decisions of the 77th session

General Assembly resolutions from 1946 to the present are available in .

This section contains links to the resolutions and decisions recommended by the Fifth Committee and adopted by the General Assembly in the current session. It is regularly updated to reflect progress made in each part of the session.

PLEASE NOTE that links to individual documents only become active once the respective document has been issued in the 缅北禁地Official Document System. Therefore, if a link does not load correctly, please check back at a later stage.

Resolutions & Decisions of most recent sessions: 79 | 78 | 77 | 76 | 75 | 74 | 73 | 72 | 71 | 70 | 69 | 68 | 67 | 66 | 65 | 64 | 63 | 62 | 61 | 60 | 59 | 58 | 57

Fifth Committee Draft resolution / decision Symbol
Report of the
Fifth Committee
Resolution / Decision of the GA
GA Plenary
meeting & Date
135. Board of Auditors

30 Dec 2022
(without a vote)
Financial reports and audited financial statements, and reports of the Board of Auditors

30 June 2023
(without a vote)
Financial reports and audited financial statements, and reports of the Board of Auditors
136. Review of the efficiency of the administrative and financial functioning of the United Nations


30 Dec 2022
(without a vote)
Shifting the management paradigm in the United Nations: review of changes to the budgetary cycle


18 Apr 2023
(without a vote)
Progress towards an accountability system in the United Nations Secretariat


30 Dec 2022
(without a vote)
Questions deferred for future consideration


18 Apr 2023
(without a vote)
Questions deferred for future consideration


30 June 2023
(without a vote)
Questions deferred for future consideration
137. Programme budget for 2022

27 Oct 2022
(without a vote)
Revised estimates on United Nations activities to mitigate global food insecurity and its humanitarian impact

31 Oct 2022
(without a vote)
Revised estimates relating to the programme budget for 2022 under section 3, Political affairs, and section 36, Staff assessment: Special political missions: United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan
138. Proposed programme budget for 2023
Revised estimates resulting from resolutions and decisions adopted by the Human Rights Council at its forty-ninth, fiftieth and fifty-first regular sessions, and at its thirty-fourth special session

Proposed programme budget for 2023
Section 8 Legal affairs

    Revised estimates resulting from resolutions and decisions adopted by the Human Rights Council at its forty-ninth, fiftieth and fifty-first regular sessions, and at its thirty-fourth special session


30 Dec 2022
(without a vote)
Questions relating to the proposed programme budget for 2023


30 Dec 2022
(without a vote)
Special subjects relating to the proposed programme budget for 2023


30 Dec 2022
(without a vote)
Programme budget for 2023
A.?Budget Appropriations
B.?Income estimates for 2023
C.?Financing of the appropriations for the year 2023


30 Dec 2022
(without a vote)
Unforeseen and extraordinary expenses for 2023


30 Dec 2022
(without a vote)
Working Capital Fund for?2023

18 Apr 2023
(without a vote)
Special subjects relating to the programme budget for 2023
139. Programme planning
Programme planning

30 Dec 2022
(without a vote)
Programme planning
141. Pattern of conferences

30 Dec 2022
(without a vote)
Pattern of conferences
142. Scale of assessments for the apportionment of the expenses of the United Nations

7 Oct 2022
(without a vote)
Requests under Article 19 of the Charter
143. Human resources management

18 Apr 2023
(without a vote)
Human resources management
144. Joint Inspection Unit

18 Apr 2023
(without a vote)
Joint Inspection Unit
145. United Nations common system
Draft decision

30 Dec 2022
(without a vote)
United Nations common system
United Nations common system

30 Dec 2022
(without a vote)
Review of the jurisdictional set-up of the United Nations common system
146. United Nations pension system

30 Dec 2022
(without a vote)
United Nations pension system
147. Administrative and budgetary coordination of the United Nations with the specialized agencies and the International Atomic Energy Agency
148. Report on the activities of the Office of Internal Oversight Services

30 Dec 2022
(without a vote)
Report on the activities of the Office of Internal Oversight Services
149. Administration of justice at the United Nations

30 Dec 2022
(without a vote)
Administration of justice at the United Nations
150. Financing of the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals

30 Dec 2022
(without a vote)
Financing of the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals
151. Administrative and Budgetary Aspects of the Financing of the United Nations Peacekeeping Operations

30 June 2023
(without a vote)
Triennial review of the rates and standards for reimbursement to Member States for contingent-owned equipment
Support account for peacekeeping operations
Financing of the United Nations Logistics at Brindisi, Italy
Financing of the Regional Service Centre in Entebbe, Uganda
    Financing of the support account for peacekeeping operations, the United Nations Logistics Base at Brindisi, Italy, and the Regional Service Centre in Entebbe, Uganda
    Approved resources for peacekeeping operations for the period from 1 July 2023 to
30 June 2024
152. Financing of the United Nations Interim Security Force for Abyei

31 May 2023
(without a vote)


30 June 2023
(without a vote)
153. Financing of the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic

30 June 2023
(without a vote)
154. Financing of the United Nations Operation in C?te d’Ivoire
155. Financing of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus

30 June 2023
(without a vote)
156. Financing of the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

30 June 2023
(without a vote)
158. Financing of the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti
159. Financing of the United Nations Mission for Justice Support in Haiti

30 June 2023
(without a vote)
160. Financing of the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo

30 June 2023
(without a vote)
161. Financing of the United Nations Mission in Liberia
162. Financing of the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali

30 June 2023
(without a vote)
163 (a). Financing of the United Nations Peacekeeping Forces in the Middle East : United Nations Disengagement Observer Force

31 May 2023
(without a vote)


30 June 2023
(without a vote)
163 (b). Financing of the United Nations Peacekeeping Forces in the Middle East : United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon

30 June 2023
(Oral amendment:
3 - 67 - 49
As a whole:
120 - 3 - 1)
164. Financing of the United Nations Mission in South Sudan

31 May 2023
(without a vote)


30 June 2023
(without a vote)
165. Financing of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara

30 June 2023
(without a vote)
166. Financing of the African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur
167. Financing of the Activities Arising from Security Council Resolution 1863 (2009)

30 June 2023
(without a vote)
Report of the
Fifth Committee
Resolution / Decision of the GA
GA Plenary
meeting & Date
(a) Appointment of members of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions

15 Nov 2022
(without a vote)

30 June 2023
(without a vote)
(b) Appointment of members of the Committee on Contributions

15 Nov 2022
(without a vote)

18 Apr 2023
(without a vote)
(c) Confirmation of the appointment of members of the Investments Committee

15 Nov 2022
(without a vote)
(d) Appointment of members of the International Civil Service Commission

15 Nov 2022
(without a vote)
(e) Appointment of members of the Independent Audit Advisory Committee

15 Nov 2022
(without a vote)

21 Nov 2022
(without a vote)
(k) Appointment of members and alternate members of the United Nations Staff Pension Committee

15 Nov 2022
(without a vote)

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