

Online Multistakeholder Consultation

In preparation of the Global Stocktaking on SDG7 the Department for Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) of the UN Secretariat, in support of the Office of the President of the General Assembly and in cooperation with UN-Energy, facilitated a series of regional and thematic consultations, as mandated by and reflected in the Roadmap towards the Global Stocktaking. These consultations, organized throughout March and April 2024, aimed to comprehensively assess the progress made towards achieving the targets of SDG7, including by drawing on existing resources, such as the multi-stakeholder SDG 7 Technical Advisory Group convened by DESA. Additionally, the consultations served to raise ambitions for energy action, mobilize partnerships and commitments, and support intergovernmental dialogue and cooperation on energy.

The Online Multi - Stakeholder Consultation, held from 13 March to 3 April, was a pivotal component of these preparatory efforts. The consultation received 93 inputs from over 40 countries across five world regions. This virtual consultation provided an opportunity for stakeholders worldwide to contribute their expertise and perspectives towards the global stocktaking.

The summary of submissions to the online survey was prepared by the secretariat as a background document for the Global Stocktaking on SDG7:

Online Multi-stakeholder Consultation: Summary Report