

Peacebuilding Fund (PBF)?Guidelines on PBF funds application and programming 2018 (English | French)

Checklist for all new PBF projects | English


1. PBF request for eligibility template - 2020?English | French

2. PBF project concept note template - 2018?English | French?

3. PBF project document template - 2020?English | French

Cross-Border project budget template English | French

Annex D on budget - 2020?English | French?| Annex D on budget - 2020?CSO Version English | French

4. PBF project funds transfer request from MPTFO - 2021?English | French

5. PBF project progress report template - 2020?English | French

6. PBF PRF annual strategic report template - 2020?English | French


Guidance Notes

1. Project Operational and Financial Closures 2020 |?English

2. Perception surveys and community-based monitoring for PBF support 2020 |?English

3. Gender Marker Scoring 2019 |?English

4. Youth and Peacebuilding 2019 |?English

5. Cross-Border and Regional Programmes 2020 | English

6. Checklist for PBF Evaluative Exercises in the context of COVID-19 | English | French

7. Climate Security and Peacebuilding | English

8.?Youth, Peace?and Security: A Programming Handbook | English

9. Terms of Reference and Rules of Procedures for the Joint Steering Committee | English

10. Value for Money Guidance Note and Project Checklist | English

11. Theory of Change | English | Spanish