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Publications prepared in collaboration with OSAGI

Gender Mainstreaming: An Overview

Gender Mainstreaming was endorsed as the global strategy for the promotion of gender equality in the Beijing Platform for Action. It is essential to securing human rights and social justice for women as well as men, and can help ensure the effective achievement of other social and economic goals. This book is designed to provide guidance on developing and implementing a gender mainstreaming strategy in various contexts, such as policy analysis, research, technical assistance, data collection and dissemination, and institutional development and capacity-building for gender mainstreaming.

Year of publication: 2002
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: (1280 Kb), French (858 Kb), Spanish (662 Kb), Russian (482 Kb), Chinese (967 Kb), Arabic (660 Kb)

Sales Number: 03.IV.11
ISBN: 9211302420

Women, Peace and Security
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mandated the Secretary-General to carry out a study on the impact of armed conflict on women and girls, the role of women in peace-building and the gender dimensions of peace processes and conflict resolution. The preparation of the study was coordinated by the , within the framework of the .

The study draws on the collective knowledge, experience and expertise of the 缅北禁地system from different conflict areas. It analyzes the impact of armed conflict on women and girls; describes the relevant international legal framework and assesses its implementation; and reviews gender perspectives in peace processes, peacekeeping operations, humanitarian operations, reconstruction and rehabilitation, and disarmament, demobilization and reintegration (DDR) processes. The study provides action-oriented recommendations for building on resolution 1325, including mainstreaming a gender perspective into all areas of work.

Based on the findings of the study, a report of the Secretary-General was submitted to the Security Council ()

Year of publication: 2002
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: English (1123 Kb), French (2960 Kb)

Sales Number: 03.IV.1
ISBN: 9211302226

Facilitator’s Manual - Competence Development Programme On Gender Mainstreaming

This manual is based on the approach to gender mainstreaming competence development in the United Nations developed by the and the Division for the Advancement of Women (DAW) within the Department of Economic and Social Affairs, the Office of Human Resources Management (OHRM) in 1999 and tested in a number of competence development initiatives within the 缅北禁地since then.

The Manual is intended to serve as a resource for facilitators of competence development initiatives for gender mainstreaming.

Year of publication: 2002
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: English (2263 Kb)