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Agreed Conclusions of the Commission on the Status of Women on the Critical Areas of Concern of the Beijing Platform for Action 1996-2009

Agreed Conclusions of the Commission on the Status of Women on the Critical Areas of Concern of the Beijing Platform for Action 1996-2005

As the preparatory body for the 1995 Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing, the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women was mandated by the General Assembly to play a central role in monitoring the implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action. Under multi-year programmes of work for 1997-2001, 2002-2006 and 2007-2009, the Commission reviewed each of the 12 critical areas of concern, making recommendations on concrete measures to accelerate the implementation of the Platform for Action. Furthermore, the Commission agreed to adopt negotiated conclusions on its thematic areas of focus. Since 1996, experts are invited to participate in the substantive panel discussions on the implementation of the 12 critical areas of concern. The results of these dialogues are also reflected in the action-oriented agreed conclusions adopted by the Commission, which are then put forward for adoption as resolutions of the Economic and Social Council. In 2006, the Commission revised its methods of work, and decided to focus on one priority theme. The Commission also determined to evaluate progress annually in the implementation of agreed conclusions.

This volume compiles the agreed conclusions adopted by the Commission between the Fourth World Conference on Women in 1995 and the fifty third session of the Commission on the Status of Women held in 2009. These conclusions provide an analysis of the priority theme of concern and a set of concrete recommendations for governments, intergovernmental bodies and other institutions, civil society actors and other relevant stakeholders, to be implemented at the international, national, regional and local level.

Year of publication: 2010
Download PDF Version: Chinese (1715 Kb), English (945 Kb), Russian (1084 Kb), Spanish (1034 Kb)

Sales Number: E.09.IV.8
ISBN: 978-92-1-130276-9


Handbook for Legislation on Violence against Women

Agreed Conclusions of the Commission on the Status of Women on the Critical Areas of Concern of the Beijing Platform for Action 1996-2005

In 2009, based on the work of the expert group meeting in Vienna, UNDAW/DESA developed a Handbook for Legislation on Violence against Women. This Handbook, with a foreword by Deputy Secretary-General, Dr. Asha-Rose Migiro, intends to provide all stakeholders with detailed guidance to support the adoption and effective implementation of legislation which prevents violence against women, punishes perpetrators, and ensures the rights of survivors everywhere. It is specifically hoped that the Handbook will be of use to government officials, parliamentarians, civil society, staff of United Nations entities and other actors in their efforts at ensuring that a solid legal basis is in place for tackling the scourge of violence against women.

Year of publication: 2010
Download PDF Version: Arabic (1.75 Mb), Chinese (2.32 Mb), English (819 Kb), French (500 Kb), Russian (880 Kb) and Spanish (771 Kb)

Sales Number: 10.IV.2 P
ISBN: 9789210544832

Women in Politics: 2010 (Map)

Published by the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) and the Division for the Advancement of Women, the map provides a visual representation of the percentage of women in politics throughout the world, including women in parliaments and ministerial positions, and as heads of State or Government.

Year of publication: 2010
Download PDF Version: English (704 K), French (705 K), Spanish (704 K)

Previous version 2008: Arabic (950 K), Chinese (2.17 MB), English (840 K), French (830 K), Russian (1.12 MB), Spanish (835 K)

Previous version 2005 (archived): English (678 K), French (682 K), Spanish (619 K), Russian (2.7 MB), Chinese (4.7 MB), Arabic (3.4 MB); Information received after publication of the 2005 map: Corrigendum (39 K)


25 years of work of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CD-Rom)

This CD-ROM provides easy access to 25 years of work of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women in monitoring the implementation of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women in States parties between 1983 and 2007. Following an introduction and overview of the Committee’s work, the CD-ROM provides the full text of all concluding comments issued by the Committee since its first session, organized alphabetically by country and in chronological order. It also contains the text of the Convention and the Optional Protocol, as well as the 25 general recommendations issued on articles of the Convention or cross-cutting themes, and its 1998 statement on reservations.

Year of publication: 2007
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Ending violence against women: From words to action. Study of the Secretary-General

Ending violence against women: From words to action. Study of the Secretary-General

The 缅北禁地Secretary-General’s in-depth study on all forms of violence against women, mandated by General Assembly resolution 58/185, aims to highlight the persistence and unacceptability of all forms of violence against women in all parts of the world. It also seeks to strengthen the political commitment and joint efforts of all stakeholders to prevent and eliminate violence against women as well as to identify ways and means to ensure more sustained and effective implementation of State obligations to address all forms of violence against women, and to increase State accountability.

The study sets out the broad context of violence against women and summarizes the knowledge base with regard to its extent and prevalence. It exposes the gaps and challenges in the availability of data, including methodologies for assessing the prevalence of such violence. It synthesizes causes and consequences, including costs. The study also discusses States’ responsibilities for preventing and addressing violence against women, and identifies promising practices and effective strategies for addressing it.

Click for more information and related material.

Year of publication: 2006
Download PDF version: English (754Kb), French (853Kb), Spanish (1.06Mb)

Sales Number: E.06.IV.8
ISBN: 9789211302530

Handbook for Parliamentarians - The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and its Optional Protocol
HANDBOOK FOR PARLIAMENTARIANS - The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and its Optional Protocol

This handbook, jointly produced by the Division for the Advancement of Women and the Inter-Parliamentary Union, provides a comprehensive presentation of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and its Optional Protocol for parlaimentarians. The handbook presents the background to and content of the Convention and the Optional Protocol, and describes the role of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women. It discusses implementation of the Convention, and provides examples of good practices. It provides guidance on what parliamentarians can do to ensure effective implementation of the Convention and encourage use of the Optional Protocol.

Year of publication: 2003
Download PDF Version: English (659Kb), Arabic (675Kb), Chinese (1.8Mb), Russian (735Kb)

Women Go Global - The United Nations and the International Women's Movement, 1945 - 2000 (CD-ROM)
Women Go Global (CD-ROM)

An easy-to-use, interactive, multimedia CD-ROM on the events that have shaped the international agenda for women's equality. It offers a compelling history of the struggle for gender equality through the United Nations, including comprehensive information on the four 缅北禁地Conferences on Women, and the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly. It provides extensive links to documents, profiles, a selected bibliography of 105 publications, archival stories on women's history, and a selection of related websites. This user-friendly CD-ROM is a valuable resource for anyone interested in women’s rights, the advancement of women, and the United Nations work for gender equality.

Year of release : 2002

Sales Number: 01.IV.1
ISBN: 9211302110

From Beijing to Beijing+5
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This publication provides a review of the progress made towards the implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action adopted by Governments at the Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing in 1995. It consists of three parts. Part One provides the background to the Fourth World Conference on Women and an overview of the major trends in implementation of the Platform for Action. Part Two analyzes implementation in each critical area of concern and the institutional and financial arrangements called for in the Platform for Action. Part Three highlights changing global trends in political, economic, social and cultural areas anticipated in the Platform for Action and the challenges they pose for its full implementation.

Year of publication: 2001

Sales Number: 01.IV.3
ISBN: 9211302137

Bringing international human rights law home: Judicial colloquium on the domestic application of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and the Convention on the Rights of the Child
Bringing international human rights law home: Judicial colloquium on the application of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and the Convention on the Rights of the Child at the domestic level

This publication contains a collection of papers presented at a judicial colloquium organized by the Division for the Advancement of Women in October 1999 to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the adoption of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and the 10th anniversary of the adoption of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. The colloquium provided an opportunity for some 100 senior judicial officers to discuss the use of these two international human rights treaties in domestic court cases to promote equality between women and men. Organized around the three themes of the colloquium: nationality, marriage and family relations; violence against women; and work and work-related rights of women and girls, the publication brings together the keynote papers presented by international experts and the case studies presented by judicial officers.

Year of publication: 2001

Sales Number: 00.IV.3
ISBN: 9211302048

The Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women: Text and Materials
The Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women: Text and Materials

This publication traces the process leading to the adoption of the Optional Protocol to the Convention by the and its opening for signature, and ratification or accession. It provides Government officials, scholars and other interested actors with easy access to texts and materials related to the development of the Optional Protocol. It highlights the main elements of the Optional Protocol, gives an overview of the legislative history of the Optional Protocol, describes the role of various bodies and events in the drafting of this instrument, and includes a chronology of events. The publication contains documents related to the development of the Optional Protocol, and includes a bibliography.

Year of publication: 2000

Sales Number: 00.IV.2
ISBN: 9211302021