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Milestones in implementing gender mainstreaming

Throughout the United Nations efforts continue to be taken to develop the capacity to identify and address relevant gender perspectives in all areas of work, at both policy and programme level. Many organizations have established institutional arrangements to support gender mainstreaming, such as gender units and gender focal point systems and capacity building initiatives are undertaken across the system. Organizations in the United Nations system support Governments to develop gender-sensitive policies and strategies and to take gender perspectives into consideration in planning, implementing and monitoring development interventions, in health, education, poverty eradication, agriculture, water development and all other areas of collaboration. Considerable support is given to capacity development. Non-governmental organizations and groups and networks in civil society are also supported to play critical advocacy roles in relation to gender mainstreaming and monitor the adherence to all commitments made by Governments. Efforts are also being taken to involve more men in promoting gender equality through gender mainstreaming. A strong, continued commitment to gender mainstreaming is one of the most effective means for the United Nations to support real change at all levels - in research, legislation, policy development and in activities on the ground, and ensure that women as well as men can influence, participate in and benefit from development efforts.

Organizations in the United Nations system support Governments to develop gender-sensitive policies and strategies and to take gender perspectives into consideration in planning, implementing and monitoring development interventions, in health, education, poverty eradication, agriculture, water development and all other areas of collaboration. Considerable support is given to capacity development. Non-governmental organizations and groups and networks in civil society are also supported to play critical advocacy roles in relation to gender mainstreaming and monitor the adherence to all commitments made by Governments. Efforts are also being taken to involve more men in promoting gender equality through gender mainstreaming.

Progress in implementation of gender mainstreaming can be identified throughout the United Nations. A number of these "milestones" will be profiled in this section of the website to give illustrations of the progress being made.