
Regional groups of Member States

African States

? ? ?
Algeria? Eswatini? Namibia?
Angola? Ethiopia? Niger?
Benin? Gabon? Nigeria?
Botswana? Gambia? Rwanda?
Burkina Faso? Ghana? Sao Tome and Principe?
Burundi? Guinea? Senegal?
Cabo Verde? Guinea-Bissau? Seychelles?
Cameroon? Kenya? Sierra Leone?
Central African Republic? Lesotho? Somalia?
Chad? Liberia? South Africa?
Comoros? Libya? South Sudan?
Congo? Madagascar? Sudan?
C?te d'Ivoire? Malawi? Togo?
Democratic Republic of the?Congo Mali? Tunisia?
Djibouti? Mauritania? Uganda?
Egypt? Mauritius? United Republic of Tanzania?
Equatorial Guinea? Morocco? Zambia?
Eritrea? Mozambique? Zimbabwe?



Asia-Pacific States

? ? ?
Afghanistan? Kyrgyzstan? Samoa?
Bahrain? Lao People's Democratic Republic? Saudi Arabia?
Bangladesh? Lebanon? Singapore?
Bhutan? Malaysia? Solomon Islands?
Brunei Darussalam? Maldives? Sri Lanka?
Cambodia? Marshall Islands? Syrian Arab Republic?
China? Micronesia (Federated States of)? Tajikistan?
Cyprus? Mongolia? Thailand?
Democratic People's?Republic of Korea? Myanmar? Timor-Leste?
Fiji? Nauru? Tonga?
India? Nepal? 罢ü谤办颈测别*?
Indonesia? Oman? Turkmenistan?
Iran (Islamic Republic of)? Pakistan? Tuvalu?
Iraq? Palau? United Arab Emirates?
Japan? Papua New Guinea? Uzbekistan?
Jordan? Philippines? Vanuatu?
Kazakhstan? Qatar? Viet Nam?
Kiribati Republic of Korea? Yemen?
Kuwait ? ?



Eastern European States

? ? ?
Albania? Estonia? Republic of Moldova?
Armenia? Georgia? Romania?
Azerbaijan? Hungary? Russian Federation?
Belarus? Latvia? Serbia?
Bosnia and Herzegovina? Lithuania? Slovakia?
Bulgaria? Montenegro? Slovenia?
Croatia? North Macedonia? Ukraine?
Czechia? Poland? ?



Latin American and Caribbean States

? ? ?
Antigua and Barbuda? Dominica? Nicaragua?
Argentina? Dominican Republic? Panama?
Bahamas? Ecuador? Paraguay?
Barbados? El Salvador? Peru?
Belize? Grenada? Saint Kitts and Nevis?
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)? Guatemala? Saint Lucia?
Brazil? Guyana? Saint Vincent and the Grenadines?
Chile? Haiti? Suriname?
Colombia? Honduras? Trinidad and Tobago?
Costa Rica? Jamaica? Uruguay?
Cuba? Mexico? Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)?



Western European and other States

? ? ?
Andorra? Iceland? Norway?
Australia? Ireland? Portugal?
Austria? Israel*? San Marino?
Belgium? Italy? Spain?
Canada? Liechtenstein? Sweden?
Denmark? Luxembourg? Switzerland?
Finland? Malta? 罢ü谤办颈测别*?
France? Monaco? United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland?
Germany? Netherlands? United States of America*?
Greece? New Zealand? ?


*Special cases?


In May 2000, Israel became a full member of the Group of Western European and other States on a temporary basis (subject to renewal), thereby enabling it to put forward candidates for election to various bodies of the General Assembly. In 2004, Israel obtained a permanent renewal to its membership.?


Türkiye participates fully in both the Group of Western European and other States and the Group of Asia-Pacific States, but for electoral purposes is considered a member of the Group of Western European and other States only.?

United States of America?

The United States of America is not a member of any regional group, but attends meetings of the Group of Western European and other States as an observer and is considered to be a member of that group for electoral purposes.?


Chairs of the Regional Groups are listed in the?.?