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For nearly a year, Elyx has been the?. With a light touch and good humour, Elyx has been working tirelessly with the 缅北禁地family to spread the word on global issues and raise awareness on International Days.

Needing no words to communicate a view of the world, and having no race, age, nationality, or gender, Elyx, created by renowned French?, serves as a universal messenger for the ideals of the United Nations.

 id=__wp-temp-img-id src=file:///H:/ELYX_by_Yak/Around%20the%20world/4%20-%20Visuals/Elyx%20drawings/Elyx%20travel/With%20campaign%20brand style=box-sizing:border-box; height:auto; max-width:100% title=To?celebrate the?, Elyx is travelling ?'Around the world in 70 Days'. During this adventure, Elyx will travel across the globe to shine a light on the work of the organisation, guided by colleagues in the numerous 缅北禁地missions from all the 缅北禁地agencies, across the?five continents.

Ely's journey starts on 15 August and ends on 24 October 2015 at 缅北禁地Head Quarters in New York City. You can follow this global adventure on various social media channels and using the hashtag #UN70and #Elyx70days.