The Centre for Universal Education at Brookings has?extended?the deadline for submissions to the 2017?Echidna?Global Scholars Program, and will now receive applications until?November 14, 2016.?Echidna?Global Scholars spend nearly five months at the Brookings Institution in Washington, D.C. to pursue research on global education issues with an emphasis on girls' education.

The?Echidna?Global Scholars Program is a visiting fellowship hosted by the Center for Universal Education (CUE) at the Brookings Institution. The program aims to build the research and analytical skills of NGO leaders and academics from developing countries.?Echidna?Scholars spend four to six months at Brookings pursuing research on global education issues, with a specific focus on improving learning opportunities and outcomes for girls in the developing world. Upon completion of their fellowship, CUE supports the scholars in implementing an action plan that applies their new skills and expertise to share with their home institutions.

The program seeks exceptional applicants committed to girls' education who are in pursuit of an opportunity to build their research and analytical skills. Applicants are expected to have some background in education, development, economics, gender, or a related area; a Master's degree at minimum, and at least 15 years of professional experience. A cohort of 3-4 scholars will be selected.

Please visit??or email? more information. You can also read the latest content from?Echidna?Global Scholars here?