The is one of Norway's leading comprehensive research universities. UiB has developed , which is a strategic initiative to engage with the Sustainable Development Goals and includes science diplomacy and scientific advice.

The university created the to address and develop a science-policy interface on the Global Goals. Currently, several innovative projects of science advice are in progress, including the ongoing development of the , which is a useful tool to strengthen science-based decision-making on the national and international level.

The University of Bergen is one of the world's leading universities in ocean sciences with marine research and education as one of three focus areas at the institution.  UiB seeks to use its research to impact decision-makers on national and international levels and inspire people to act to protect our oceans.

At the University of Bergen, the day to day work associated with SDG14 commitments is administered by , a virtual center that encourages and promotes international partnerships for ocean-oriented work. OSB is part of the university's SDG Bergen initiative, and covers a wide range of issues, including international law applicable to the protection of the oceans.

Building on this unique approach to the SDGs in the university's course portfolio, one notable initiative is the One Ocean global circumnavigation . Together with partners, this course will teach students how to integrate sustainable development into their discipline-oriented education, ensure this knowledge has societal impact and generate secure science-based decision-making.

UiB hosted the first Ocean Sustainability Bergen Conference in 2019, a new arena for ocean-related science-policy discussions. Furthermore, the university collaborates closely with the University of the South Pacific and the University of the West Indies covering small island states with big ocean interests and large exclusive economic zones.

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