The in Greece is devoted to the study of issues related to the geopolitics of energy in Southeast Europe, the Black Sea and Central Asia regions. For more than a decade, the university has promoted regional cooperation among scientific institutions, policymakers and market stakeholders on issues related to SDG 7 by transferring knowledge, training and developing energy efficiency policies.

The university actively promotes scientific and economic collaboration on the development of regional energy markets, the construction of transcontinental and regional energy interconnections and climate change policies. The university regularly organizes an international conference on energy policy issues, publishes the and undertakes several projects on energy efficiency and green energy.

The Centre recently concluded a three year project on consumer behavior in switching to more energy efficient policies and is now working on a project to mitigate energy poverty and reduce CO2 emissions in energy-poor households in Southeast Europe, the Black Sea and Central Asia. This initiative includes securing financing for "smart buildings" and will allow the scientific community to contribute actively in the promotion and implementation of the overall 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

The building where the Centre is located aims to demonstrate bioclimatic features in public buildings and has a “green roof” and an internal atrium for insolation and natural lighting. The structure uses solar energy for passive heating and electricity generation, uses biofuel as an energy source, and has canopies and thermal protection for sun protection in the summer. The bioclimatic considerations began with the location of the building, which was selected for optimal energy use.

KEPA is currently focused on policies on climate change, the implementation of the "smart grids" concept, the development of "virtual" power plants and the promotion of a regional energy market. Over the past few years, the Centre has signed agreements with stakeholders covering projects on fuel switch, energy efficiency and energy poverty.

It is also in charge of the coordination of the and participates in the meetings of its Working Group on Energy.

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