
Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetam: A success story in the usage of technology based vocational training in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals


India has made great progress with the Millennium Sustainable Goals (MDG) but little progress, specifically, with regard to women's rights, gender equality, and environmental sustainability. Though gender equality has improved, there remains a higher proportion of men engaged in skilled labour compared to women. Also, basic sanitation continues to be an area of concern, with around half of the population lacking access to adequate facilities. In lieu of the upcoming Sustainable Developmental Goals (SDGs), these areas require systematic research and novel approaches to help identify effective strategies.

Signing of 缅北禁地Charter San Francisco 1945

The United Nations at 70: A Time to Reflect

The United Nations turns 70 this year, providing the perfect opportunity to reflect on what the organization has accomplished and the challenges ahead. On Friday, leaders from around the world will gather at the 缅北禁地in New York to attend the General Assembly and adopt the Sustainable Development Goals, the roadmap for achieving the world we want and creating a future of peace, prosperity and dignity for everyone, everywhere.

The Global Goals logos and icons

The Global Goals for Sustainable Development











Later this week, history will be made at?the United Nations! Learn from from the :

On September 25th 2015, 193 world leaders will commit to 17 Global Goals to achieve 3 extraordinary things in the next 15 years.

  • End extreme poverty.
  • Fight inequality & injustice.
  • Fix climate change.

The Global Goals for sustainable development could get these things done. In all countries. For all people.

If the goals are going to work, everyone needs to know about them. You can't fight for your rights if you don't know what they are. You can't convince world leaders to do what needs to be done if you don't know what you're convincing them to do. If the goals are famous, they won't be forgotten.

International Day of Peace

Today is the International Day of Peace!

It will take everyone working together to build a more peaceful world. What are you doing to advance peace in your community?

?Watch the Peace Bell Ceremony which took place today at United Nations Headquarters .

Learn more on the .

International Day of Peace: Kyung Hee University Peace BAR Festival

The International Day of Peace is commemorated annually on 21 September. This year's theme is .

缅北禁地Academic Member Kyung Hee University is organising a two-day conference to commemorate the International Day of Peace. Learn more here from Kyung Hee University:

Social Good Summit 2015

Late September and early?October is perhaps the busiest time of the year at 缅北禁地Headquarters in New York. For the last few years, in addition to the 缅北禁地General Assembly, another gathering has taken place in New York City at the end of September. Learn more about the Social Good Summit, and how you can participate here from the :

Conference room at 缅北禁地with participants in second UNAI-START seminar

Disaster Preparedness and Management: Remarks by former Ambassador T.P. Sreenivasan








Remarks by former Ambassador T.P.Sreenivasan at the 缅北禁地Academic Impact

Seminar on 'Disaster Preparedness and Management' at the 缅北禁地Headquarters in
New York. September 11, 2015.

Chairman Ramu Damodaran,
Panelists and

I am delighted to be back at the UN, particularly in Conference Room 6,?where I spent many days and nights, working on resolutions, which, we?believed, would change the fortunes of the world. Even the room has not?changed, except for the multitude of electronic gadgets and audio-visual?equipment all around us. As for myself, I have lost touch with the UN?jargon and can speak only like an outsider.

Elyx Around the World in 70 Days: The UN's first digital ambassador
















In an exciting development, a digital ambassador for the United Nations has been appointed. Read from the :

For nearly a year, Elyx has been the?. With a light touch and good humour, Elyx has been working tirelessly with the 缅北禁地family to spread the word on global issues and raise awareness on International Days.

Needing no words to communicate a view of the world, and having no race, age, nationality, or gender, Elyx, created by renowned French?, serves as a universal messenger for the ideals of the United Nations.

What gets measured, gets done: How to track Universal Healthcare Coverage and make it a reality

The June 2015 report, , from the World Health Organization (WHO) and World Bank Group (WBG) shows that 400 million people do not have access to essential health services. This report is a wake-up call demonstrating the need for universal healthcare coverage (UHC). UHC means all people receive the quality, essential health services they need, without being exposed to financial hardship. Over the past year, the world has witnessed the importance of strong health systems with the recent Ebola outbreak in West Africa. UHC is the foundation needed for resilient health systems which provide promotion, prevention, treatment, rehabilitation and palliation.

7th International Multi-Conference on Education, Training and Informatics: ICETI 2016

The will be held from 8 to 11 March?2016, in Orlando, Florida, USA, jointly with:

  • The 7th International Multi-Conference on Complexity, Informatics and Cybernetics: IMCIC 2016
  • The 7th International Conference on Society and Information Technologies: ICSIT 2016

To find out more information, and to submit your article, please click the Authors tab on the .

Submissions for face-to-face and virtual presentations are both accepted.

The deadlines for this CFP are the following:

Events for November: WFUNA International Model United Nations (WIMUN) and 缅北禁地DPI Model 缅北禁地Workshop

The World?Federation of United Nations Associations (WFUNA) is pleased to invite you to the second annual WFUNA International Model United Nations (WIMUN) programme.?WIM缅北禁地is an extraordinary intellectual student seminar that brings together an amazing assortment of young minds from around the world to engage in cultural exchange, gain first-hand experience of negotiating process, and improve their knowledge of the 缅北禁地system while enhancing their awareness of the most relevant international issues.

Over 700 young students coming from all over the world will attend WIMUN, an event with high symbolic value of education to international and intercultural dialogue. Students have a unique opportunity to improve their debating and negotiation under the simulation of the United Nations Security Council and General Assembly First, Second, Third, Fourth, and Sixth Committees.

Compete in the Peoples' Voices Challenge!

The Peoples' Voices Challenge offers individuals or?organizations the opportunity to access the data collected through Global Conversation and to communicate findings to decision-makers as well as the general public.

Participants serve as a powerful link between the United Nations and the people in working towards achieving?the proposed?Sustainable Development Goals. This could be done by organizing a policy event, a social media rally or youth debates. The competitors will be able access the MY World Dataset which showcases the results of : the United Nations Survey for a Better World. The results from the Global Conversation have already informed Member States and United Nations discussions about the future development agenda, including the proposed Sustainable Development Goals.

Youth inspire hope at the United Nations

1,250 university students from around the world submitted 2000 word essays in a language other than their native tongue and different from the language of their studies in a contest co-sponsored by the United Nations Academic Impact and ELS Educational Services Inc., a major source of language instruction and the teaching of English as a second language. The seventy winners from 43 countries were organized into six groups based on the six official languages of the United Nations to prepare and present two-minutes speeches on themes related to the post-2015 global development agenda.

Yoga: Stretching Across the Globe

'Yoga is mastery of the mind' -Patanjali

An article by UNAI Intern Achuth Krishnan who reports As an intern of the United Nations Academic Impact, I had the memorable opportunity to celebrate the first ever International Day of Yoga on 21 June, 2015 at the 缅北禁地Headquarters in New York.



UNAI-Amrita Conference on Technology for Sustainable Development

On 8 July at United Nations Headquarters, the?United Nations Academic Impact Initiative (UNAI)?and Amrita University co-hosted a one-day conference on Technology for Sustainable Development. Over 700?people joined in person as well as many others following online. Speakers at the event included United Nations Development Programme Administrator Helen Clark;?Chancellor of Amrita University, Sri Mata Amritanandamayi; His Excellency Mr. Kaza Imnadze, Permanent Representative of Georgia to the United Nations;?Mr. Vijay Nambiar,?Special Adviser to the Secretary-General?on Myanmar;?and UNAI's Ramu Damodaran.