
Other Documents

Date Topic Type Title Symbol Location
30 September 2023 Peacebuilding Commission, Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace, Civil society engagement Statement Written Submission to the PBC Ministerial-level Meeting - Global Alliance for Surgical, Obstetric, Trauma and Anaesthesia Care
30 September 2023 Peacebuilding Commission, Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace, Civil society engagement Statement Written Submission to the PBC Ministerial-level Meeting - Rondine Citadel of Peace
30 September 2023 Peacebuilding Commission, Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace, Civil society engagement Statement Written Submission to the PBC Ministerial-level Meeting - Sonke Gender Justice
29 September 2023 Peacebuilding Commission, Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace, Civil society engagement Statement Written Submission to the PBC Ministerial-level Meeting - For All Moonkind
29 September 2023 Peacebuilding Commission, Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace, Civil society engagement Statement Written Submission to the PBC Ministerial-level Meeting - New York City BAR Association
28 September 2023 Peacebuilding Commission, Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace, Civil society engagement Statement Written Submission to the PBC Ministerial-level Meeting - Global Foundation for Democracy and Development
22 September 2023 Peacebuilding Commission, Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace, Civil society engagement Statement Written Submission to the PBC Ministerial-level Meeting - Argentine Foundation to the Nations Path to the Truth
22 September 2023 Peacebuilding Commission, Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace, Civil society engagement Statement Written Submission to the PBC Ministerial-level Meeting - Andaa Vijana Initiative
22 September 2023 Peacebuilding Commission, Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace, Civil society engagement Statement Written Submission to the PBC Ministerial-level Meeting - Nonviolence Peaceforce
22 September 2023 Peacebuilding Commission, Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace, Civil society engagement Statement Written Submission to the PBC Ministerial-level Meeting - International Movement for Advancement of Education Culture Social and Economic Development
22 September 2023 Peacebuilding Commission, Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace, Civil society engagement Statement Written Submission to the PBC Ministerial-level Meeting - Association of War Affected Women
22 September 2023 Peacebuilding Commission, Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace, Civil society engagement Statement Written Submission to the PBC Ministerial-level Meeting - Community Economic And Environmental Rights Initiative
22 September 2023 Peacebuilding Commission, Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace, Civil society engagement Statement Written Submission to the PBC Ministerial-level Meeting - Peace Direct
22 September 2023 Peacebuilding Commission, Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace, Civil society engagement Statement Written Submission to the PBC Ministerial-level Meeting - Women's Federation for World Peace International
22 September 2023 Peacebuilding Commission, Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace, Civil society engagement Statement Written Submission to the PBC Ministerial-level Meeting - Athletes United for Peace
22 September 2023 Peacebuilding Commission, Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace, Civil society engagement Statement Written Submission to the PBC Ministerial-level Meeting - Rajasthan Samgrah Kalyan Sansthan
22 September 2023 Peacebuilding Commission, Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace, Civil society engagement Statement Written Submission to the PBC Ministerial-level Meeting - Business Innovation Research Dev
22 September 2023 Peacebuilding Commission, Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace, Civil society engagement Statement Written Submission to the PBC Ministerial-level Meeting - CASID Foundation
22 September 2023 Peacebuilding Commission, Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace, Civil society engagement Statement Written Submission to the PBC Ministerial-level Meeting - Rural Development Partnership
22 September 2023 Peacebuilding Commission, Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace, Civil society engagement Statement Written Submission to the PBC Ministerial-level Meeting - Center on International Cooperation
22 September 2023 Peacebuilding Commission, Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace, Civil society engagement Statement Written Submission to the PBC Ministerial-level Meeting - Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict and Quaker 缅北禁地Office - Joint Submission
22 September 2023 Peacebuilding Commission, Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace, Civil society engagement Statement Written Submission to the PBC Ministerial-level Meeting - Save the Children
22 September 2023 Peacebuilding Commission, Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace, Civil society engagement Statement Written Submission to the PBC Ministerial-level Meeting - Centre for Human Rights and Climate Change Research
22 September 2023 Peacebuilding Commission, Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace, Civil society engagement Statement Written Submission to the PBC Ministerial-level Meeting - Global Peace Institute
22 September 2023 Peacebuilding Commission, Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace, Civil society engagement Statement Written Submission to the PBC Ministerial-level Meeting - Education Globale et Développement asbl
22 September 2023 Peacebuilding Commission, Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace, Civil society engagement Statement Written Submission to the PBC Ministerial-level Meeting - GPPAC_DHF_GNWP_NUPI - Joint Submission
22 September 2023 Peacebuilding Commission, Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace, Civil society engagement Statement Written Submission to the PBC Ministerial-level Meeting - Sonmaz Mashall Cultural Relations Public Union
22 September 2023 Peacebuilding Commission, Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace, Civil society engagement Statement Written Submission to the PBC Ministerial-level Meeting - Endeavour Forum
22 September 2023 Peacebuilding Commission, Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace, Civil society engagement Statement Written Submission to the PBC Ministerial-level Meeting - International Coalition to Ban Uranium Weapon
22 September 2023 Peacebuilding Commission, Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace, Civil society engagement Statement Written Submission to the PBC Ministerial-level Meeting - Subjective Physics Sciences Organization
22 September 2023 Peacebuilding Commission, Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace, Civil society engagement Statement Written Submission to the PBC Ministerial-level Meeting - European Large Families Confederation
22 September 2023 Peacebuilding Commission, Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace, Civil society engagement Statement Written Submission to the PBC Ministerial-level Meeting - International Communities Organisation
22 September 2023 Peacebuilding Commission, Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace, Civil society engagement Statement Written Submission to the PBC Ministerial-level Meeting - International Native Tradition Interchange
22 September 2023 Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace, Peacebuilding Commission Letter/Note Ministerial-level meeting of the Peacebuilding Commission (Information Note)
22 September 2023 Peacebuilding Commission, Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace, Civil society engagement Statement Written Submission to the PBC Ministerial-level Meeting - Foundation for Human Horizon
22 September 2023 Peacebuilding Commission, Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace, Civil society engagement Statement Written Submission to the PBC Ministerial-level Meeting - International Federation of Social Workers
22 September 2023 Peacebuilding Commission, Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace, Civil society engagement Statement Written Submission to the PBC Ministerial-level Meeting - Knowledge Mill International Foundation
22 September 2023 Peacebuilding Commission, Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace, Civil society engagement Statement Written Submission to the PBC Ministerial-level Meeting - Foundation for Subjective Experience and Research
22 September 2023 Peacebuilding Commission, Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace, Civil society engagement Statement Written Submission to the PBC Ministerial-level Meeting - Ken. G. Morka Foundation
22 September 2023 Peacebuilding Commission, Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace, Civil society engagement Statement Written Submission to the PBC Ministerial-level Meeting - Progressive People of Yorubaland Worldwide Association
22 September 2023 Peacebuilding Commission, Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace, Civil society engagement Statement Written Submission to the PBC Ministerial-level Meeting - Afrikaans Forum for Civil Rights
22 September 2023 Peacebuilding Commission, Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace, Civil society engagement Statement Written Submission to the PBC Ministerial-level Meeting - Fundación Luz María
22 September 2023 Peacebuilding Commission, Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace, Civil society engagement Statement Written Submission to the PBC Ministerial-level Meeting - Millennium Child Support Group
22 September 2023 Peacebuilding Commission, Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace, Civil society engagement Statement Written Submission to the PBC Ministerial-level Meeting - Widows for Peace through Democracy
22 September 2023 Peacebuilding Commission, Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace, Civil society engagement Statement Written Submission to the PBC Ministerial-level Meeting - Africa Child Foundation Mission of Tanzania
22 September 2023 Peacebuilding Commission, Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace, Civil society engagement Statement Written Submission to the PBC Ministerial-level Meeting - Education Prénatale – Information (EN)
22 September 2023 Peacebuilding Commission, Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace, Civil society engagement Statement Written Submission to the PBC Ministerial-level Meeting - Natural Disasters Research Institute
22 September 2023 Peacebuilding Commission, Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace, Civil society engagement Statement Written Submission to the PBC Ministerial-level Meeting - Women's Health and Education Center
22 September 2023 Peacebuilding Commission, Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace, Civil society engagement Statement Written Submission to the PBC Ministerial-level Meeting - AIM Education and Research Society
22 September 2023 Peacebuilding Commission, Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace, Civil society engagement Statement Written Submission to the PBC Ministerial-level Meeting - Achiever Mission Foundation
22 September 2023 Peacebuilding Commission, Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace, Civil society engagement Statement Written Submission to the PBC Ministerial-level Meeting - Never Again Rwanda
22 September 2023 Peacebuilding Commission, Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace, Civil society engagement Statement Written Submission to the PBC Ministerial-level Meeting - YCAB Foundation
22 September 2023 Peacebuilding Commission, Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace, Civil society engagement Statement Written Submission to the PBC Ministerial-level Meeting - American Pakistan Foundation
22 September 2023 Peacebuilding Commission, Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace, Civil society engagement Statement Written Submission to the PBC Ministerial-level Meeting - Africa Faith and Justice Network
22 September 2023 Peacebuilding Commission, Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace, Civil society engagement Statement Written Submission to the PBC Ministerial-level Meeting - Youth Alliance for Leadership and Development in Africa
01 August 2023 PBF/MRT/A-1: Consolidation de la paix à travers l’engagement des femmes et de la jeunesse et le renforcement des capacités des communautés dans la région frontalière du Hodh El Chargui
01 August 2023 PBF/MRT/A-2: Consolidation de la paix à travers le renforcement de la cohésion sociale et l’amélioration de l’accès équitable aux ressources naturelles dans les zones frontalières du Guidimakha
01 August 2023 PBF/IRF-284: Appui 3 la participation citoyenne des jeunes et des femmes a la gouvernance locale et a la consolidation de la paix au Tchad Chad
01 August 2023 PBF/IRF-380: Action concertée des jeunes (femmes et hommes) leaders communautaires pour le renforcement de la cohésion sociale et la consolidation de la paix en Guinée Forestière
01 August 2023 PBF/HTI/B-1: Projet de renforcement des capacités des autorités nationales pour le contr?le des armes et des munitions
07 July 2023 Peacebuilding Highlights - issue 5
20 June 2023 2022 Consolidated Annual Financial Report
07 June 2023 Rapport de l'e?valuation finale IRF 359
19 May 2023 Financing for Peacebuilding Guidance Hate Speech - Tip Sheet
12 May 2023 PPT- GPI Thematic Webinar 2023 - Fran?ais
12 May 2023 PPT-YPI Thematic Webinar 2023 eng
12 May 2023 PPT-YPI Thematic Webinar 2023 - Espa?ol
12 May 2023 PPT-YPI Thematic Webinar 2023 - Fran?ais
12 May 2023 PPT- GPI Thematic Webinar 2023 English
12 May 2023 PPT- GPI Thematic Webinar 2023 - Espa?ol
08 May 2023 MTR Management response
04 May 2023 Examen stratégique en Guinée
01 May 2023 Revue thématique sur la sécurité climatique et la consolidation de la paix - Faits saillants
01 May 2023 Revue thématique sur la sécurité climatique et la consolidation de la paix
01 May 2023 Revue thématique sur la sécurité climatique et la consolidation de la paix - Resumé exécutif
01 May 2023 Revisión temática sobre la seguridad climática y la consolidación de La Paz - aspectos destacados
01 May 2023 Revisión temática sobre la seguridad climática y la consolidación de La Paz
01 May 2023 Revisión temática sobre la seguridad climática y la consolidación de La Paz - Resumen ejecutivo
18 April 2023 Financing for Peacebuilding Evaluation Solomon Islands Evaluation 2022
18 April 2023 Financing for Peacebuilding GYPI - Call for Proposals - English
18 April 2023 Financing for Peacebuilding Evaluation PBF IRF 340 Colombia ParticipAcción Mujeres jóvenes construyendo paz en Urabá Colombia
18 April 2023 Financing for Peacebuilding GYPI Call for Proposals - French
18 April 2023 Financing for Peacebuilding GYPI - Call for proposal - French
18 April 2023 Financing for Peacebuilding Evaluation CID Liberia Evaluation Liberia
18 April 2023 Financing for Peacebuilding Evaluation The Gambia evaluation
18 April 2023 Financing for Peacebuilding Evaluation Sierra Leone Evaluation Sierra Leone
18 April 2023 Financing for Peacebuilding Evaluation South Sudan - evaluation
18 April 2023 Financing for Peacebuilding Evaluation Cameroon - Evaluation
18 April 2023 Financing for Peacebuilding Evaluation Madagascar evaluation Madagascar
18 April 2023 Financing for Peacebuilding Evaluation MDG D-1 Madagascar Prevention de la violence, de la délinquance juvénile et de l’insécurité Madagascar
18 April 2023 Financing for Peacebuilding Evaluation PNG A-2 Papua New Guinea Sustaining Peace in Bougainville Papua New Guinea
18 April 2023 Financing for Peacebuilding Evaluation IRF 404 DRC Promouvoir la participation des femmes à la consolidation de la paix gr?ce aux pail
18 April 2023 Financing for Peacebuilding Evaluation IRF 406 Guinea Bissau No Ianda Djuntu - Drawing the pathway together new leadership for meaning Guinea-Bissau
18 April 2023 Financing for Peacebuilding Evaluation IRF 411 Liberia Protection and Support of Enabling Environment for Women Human Rights Defenders Liberia
18 April 2023 Financing for Peacebuilding Evaluation SLV IRF 414 El Salvador Juventudes salvadore?as construyendo paz y resiliencia Derecho a ciudad
18 April 2023 Financing for Peacebuilding Evaluation PBF IRF 417 Sierra Leone Inclusive Conflict Prevention and Peace in Sierra Leone Sierra Leone
18 April 2023 Financing for Peacebuilding Evaluation PBF IRF 412 Liberia Sustainable and inclusive peace in Liberia through promoting women leadership Liberia
13 April 2023 Financing for Peacebuilding Climate Security and Peacebuilding Thematic Review - Highlights
05 April 2023 Financing for Peacebuilding Report Renforcement des mécanismes institutionnels inclusifs pour la consolidation de la paix dans le sud (RMIICPS)
21 March 2023 2022 Approvals map
15 March 2023 Financing for Peacebuilding Report PBF Donor Pledge Tracker
13 February 2023 Financing for Peacebuilding Report PBF CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT 2022 - MPTF
13 February 2023 Financing for Peacebuilding Report Certified Financial Statement 2021 - PBF MPTF
06 February 2023 Chad - Country Brief - Eng Chad
06 February 2023 Chad Map Chad
06 February 2023 Chad Country Brief - French Chad
06 February 2023 Chad - Country Brief - Fr Chad
06 February 2023 Chad Map Chad
03 February 2023 Financing for Peacebuilding Report PBF MTR Report 2022
20 December 2022 Mano River Union Report Fragility and Resilience in the Mano River Union Subregion: Consolidating Peace Dividends Amid Persistent Challenges - FR
05 December 2022 Peacebuilding Fund Pledge tracker PBF December 2022
05 December 2022 Financing for Peacebuilding Background Paper PBF in Colombia Colombia
15 November 2022 Peacebuilding Fund 7th advisory group
10 November 2022 Peacebuilding Fund Report Strategic Performance Framework Theory of Change & Risk Matrix
08 November 2022 Peacebuilding Fund women oh women
02 November 2022 Financing for Peacebuilding PBF Pledge Tracker - November 2022
14 October 2022 Sahel Report SAHEL Newsletter - 缅北禁地Integrated Strategy for the Sahel
13 October 2022 Peacebuilding Fund newsletter 1
13 October 2022 Peacebuilding Fund newsletter 2
12 October 2022 Financing for Peacebuilding PBF Directory
11 October 2022 Financing for Peacebuilding Report Project Progress Report Template_English_Covid
11 October 2022 Financing for Peacebuilding Report Project Progress Report Template_French_covid
08 October 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/IRF-204: Empower women and youth for a free, fair, transparent and violence-free Referendum
08 October 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/IRF-194: Haciendo una realidad el efecto transformador de la sentencia de reparación de Sepur Zarco para romper el continuo de la violencia sexual y otras formas de violencia contra las mujeres en situaciones de conflicto y postconflicto
05 October 2022 Peacebuilding Fund Rapport Guinee 2012 - 2016
26 September 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/IRF-339: Promoting the Safety and Security of Women for Sustainable Peace in Southern Sierra Leone Sierra Leone
26 September 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/SLB/H-1: Empowering Youth as Agents for Peace and Social Cohesion in the Solomon Islands
26 September 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/SOM/A-3: Midnimo II (Unity) - Support for the Attainment Of Durable Solutions in Areas Impacted by Displacement and Returns in Galmudug and Hirshabelle States
26 September 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/SOM/A-4: Dhulka Nabaada (The Land of Peace): Supporting Land Reform in Somalia Somalia
26 September 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/SOM/B-1: Support to Stabilization Phase 2 (S2SII)
26 September 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/IRF-328: Strengthening Young Women’s Participation in Local and National Peace Processes in South Sudan
26 September 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/IRF-319: Advancing implementation of UNSCRs on Women Peace and Security (WPS) through strengthening accountability frameworks, innovative financing and Gender Responsive Budgeting (GRB)
26 September 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/IRF-329: Young Women as Drivers of Peace: Providing 360° Support to Emerging Women Leaders
26 September 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/LBR/D-15: Socio-Economic Empowerment of Disadvantaged (SEED) Youth in Liberia Liberia
26 September 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/IRF-303: Harnessing the youth’s potential for peace
26 September 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/IRF-320: Répondre aux menaces à la paix et a à la cohésion sociale liées aux migrations non maitrisées par l’appui à l’autonomisation et à la promotion des femmes à Madagascar (Projet REAP) Madagascar
26 September 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/IRF-236: Responding to protection needs and supporting resilience in places of detention in Yemen
26 September 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/IRF-336: TANOMAFY-JAP (TANOra MAsoivohon'ny Filaminanana eto Iarivo- Jeunes Ambassadeurs de Paix)
26 September 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/IRF-322: Empowering Yemeni youth towards peace: ensuring access to information and participation
26 September 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/MDG/B-3: Consolider et accélérer les acquis de la paix à Madagascar durant la crise du COVID-19 (CAP MADAGASCAR) Madagascar
26 September 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/IRF-301: Building trust and confidence in Zimbabwe's Transition
26 September 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/IRF-299: Appui aux initiatives transfrontalières de dialogue communautaire et avec les acteurs du secteur de la sécurité et de la justice pour la consolidation de la paix au Mali et au Niger Mali
26 September 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/IRF-296: Fostering Dialogue and social cohesion in and between Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Serbia (Dialogue for the Future)
26 September 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/IRF-300: Appui aux initiatives transfrontalières de dialogue communautaire et avec les acteurs du secteur de la sécurité et de la justice pour la consolidation de la paix au Mali et au Niger Mali
26 September 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/IRF-341: Support to the reintegration of ex-FDLR combatants and dependents repatriated to Rwanda from the Democratic Republic of Congo
26 September 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/IRF-297: Fostering Dialogue and social cohesion in and between Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Serbia (Dialogue for the Future)
25 September 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/IRF-293: Fortalecimiento de capacidades institucionales para la protección de ni?as, ni?os, adolescentes y jóvenes de la zona transfronteriza Colombia-Ecuador, afectadas por la violencia y el conflicto armado Colombia
25 September 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/GIN/D-7: Projet d'appui à la participation des jeunes à la prévention des conflits en période électorale et la pérennisation des synergies locales des acteurs de paix
25 September 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/IRF-333: Empoderar a las mujeres a través de la información local como herramienta para la consolidación de la paz de una manera inclusiva
25 September 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/IRF-309: Appui à la réduction de l’instrumentalisation et des violences politico-sociales des jeunes taxi-motards en période électorale
25 September 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/CIV/A-4: Appui au processus démocratique et de consolidation de la paix en C?te d’Ivoire C?te d’Ivoire
25 September 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/IRF-327: Foniké*, entrepreneurs sociaux pour la paix en Guine?e (*Les jeunes)
25 September 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/CIV/C-2 Promouvoir l'Etat de droit et les droits humains pour consolider la paix en C?te d'Ivoire
25 September 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/IRF-308: Empowering women and girls affected by migration for inclusive and peaceful community development and peacebuilding
25 September 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/CIV/D1: Les jeunes comme moteurs de prévention des discours de haine
25 September 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/KGZ/A-6: Inclusive governance and Justice system for Preventing Violent Extremism
25 September 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/IRF-196: Renforcement de la participation des jeunes a la consolidation de la paix dans le Sud, le Centre Ouest de la Cote d'Ivoire
25 September 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/KGZ/A-7: Communities resilient to violent ideologies
25 September 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/IRF-314: Participation des jeunes à la prévention et à la gestion des conflits identitaires liés à la profanation et à l’exploitation des forêts sacrées dans le département de Biankouma en C?te d’Ivoire C?te d’Ivoire
25 September 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/IRF-326: ?YPS en pratique? : Auto-analyse et renforcement du leadership des jeunes dans la prévention de la violence politique en C?te d’Ivoire C?te d’Ivoire
25 September 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/COD/A-4: Ensemble pour Beni
25 September 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/COD/C-1: Paix, Justice, Réconciliation et Reconstruction au Kasa? Central
25 September 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/IRF-250: Supporting the Western Balkan's collective leadership on reconciliation: building capacity and momentum for the Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO)
25 September 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/IRF-281: "Vijana wenye nguvu kwa a1nani": Empowered Youth for Peace
25 September 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/IRF-295: Fostering Dialogue and social cohesion in and between Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Serbia (Dialogue for the Future)
25 September 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/IRF-332: Jeunesse engagée pour la paix dans la Province du Sud-Kivu, RDC
25 September 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/CAF/H-1: Communication et sensibilisation pour la cohésion sociale
25 September 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/IRF-294: Fortalecimiento de capacidades institucionales para la protección de ni?as, ni?os, adolescentes y jóvenes de la zona transfronteriza Colombia-Ecuador, afectadas por la violencia y el conflicto armado Colombia
25 September 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/IRF-304: Renforcement du relèvement et de réintégration des femmes et des filles gr?ce à une agriculture résiliente au changement climatique pour instaurer la paix et la réconciliation en RCA après conflit
25 September 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/IRF-305: Mujeres Libres de Violencia en el Transporte Publico
25 September 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/IRF-334: Vers une mise en ?uvre inclusive de l’Accord de paix en République Centrafricaine
25 September 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/IRF-306: Construir la cohesión social de las comunidades que reciben jóvenes retornados como un puente hacia una reintegración pacífica y efectiva
25 September 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/IRF-335: Plaidoyer des OSC féminines pour la sécurité communautaire et une Stratégie nationale centrafricaine de Réforme du Secteur de la Sécurité sensibles au genre
25 September 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/BDI/A-16: Renforcement des mécanismes locaux de prévention et de résolution des conflits au Burundi Burundi
25 September 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/IRF-307: Creando nuevas avenidas de resiliencia para sostener la paz desde las mujeres Kaqchiquel, Q’eqchi’ y mestizas
22 September 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/IRF-218: Projet de renforcement de la resilience securitaire et de la prevention des conflits inter-communautaires pour la cohesion sociale et la paix dans les Regions de Mopti et Segou
22 September 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/TCD/A-1: Projet de consolidation de la paix à travers l'adaptation au changement climatique et la résilience des moyens d'existence des populations de la région du lac Tchad Chad
22 September 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/IRF-260: Deuxième Décennie Pour La Paix
22 September 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/IRF-266: Territorial model for non-repetition guarantees and citizen empowerment of youth and women victims of sexual violence and forced disappearance during the armed conflict
22 September 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/IRF-287: Prévenirles conflits intercommunautaires et contribuer à la consolidation de la paix à travers le développement d’un pastoralisme résilient dans la zone transfrontalière de Diffa et du Kanem
22 September 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/IRF-243: Consolidation de la Paix et demarrage du processus DDR dans la region du Pool, en Republique du Congo
22 September 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/IRF-267: Promotion de la cohésion sociale entre agriculteurs et éleveurs (hommes et femmes) dans les régions de Dosso et Maradi à travers une approche basée sur le genre et la diversité
22 September 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/IRF-271: Inclusive Governance and Conflict Management Support for Ethiopia
22 September 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/IRF-255: Strengthening the role of Women and Youth as Peace Builders to improve Development in the Highlands of Papua New Guinea Papua New Guinea
22 September 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/IRF-244: National Dialogue and Stabilization Project to Catalyze Comprehensive National Reforms in Lesotho (NDSP)
22 September 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/IRF-253: Creating Peaceful Societies through women's improved access to management of natural resources, land tenure rights and economic empowerment in Sierra Leone Sierra Leone
22 September 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/IRF-273: Integrated Approach to Bnilding Peace in Nigeria's Farmer-Herder Crisis
22 September 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/IRF-252: Hidden Challenges: Addressing Sexual Bribery Experienced by Military Widows and War Widows in Sri Lanka to Enable Reslience and Sustained Peace
22 September 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/IRF-248: Renforcement des capacites nationales et communitaires de prevention des conflits et violences et la protection des droits de l'homme au Togo
22 September 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/LKA/A-1: Support to strengthen capacities to undertake reforms to advance peacebuilding and transitional justice processes in Sri Lanka
22 September 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/IRF-288: Pérenniser la paix en Tunisie par l'inclusion des jeunes au niveau local
22 September 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/LKA/A-2: Promoting Reconciliation in Sri Lanka
22 September 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/IRF-270: Furthering the Youth, Peace and Security Agenda in Yemen
22 September 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/LKA/A-3: Participation of Youth and Women in the Peacebuilding Process
22 September 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/IRF-237: Support to establish a strategic Policy Planning and Management Unit in the Office of the Vice President
22 September 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/GMB/D-1: Women and Youth participation in decision-making processes and as agents of community conflict prevention
22 September 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/IRF-247: Renforcement des capacités des acteurs et appui aux processus électoraux pacifiques et à la cohésion sociale au Cameroun
22 September 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/IRF-254: SIFAKA - Tracer la voie de la Paix a travers la voix des Jeunes
22 September 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/IRF-263: Renforcement de la participation et de la représentation de la jeunesse dans les mécanismes de prévention et de gestion des conflits au niveau communautaire
22 September 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/IRF-234: Engaging Youth to Build Peaceful Communities in Mali Mali
22 September 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/IRF-268: Projet de restauration de la paix et du dialogue entre les communautés affectées par la transhumance transfrontalière
22 September 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/IRF-158: Femmes, Defense et Securite Participation des Femmes a la Reforme du Secteur de la securite et au renforcement de la confiance entre les populations et Forces de defense et de securite au Mali Mali
22 September 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/IRF-286: Prévenirles conflits intercommunautaires et contribuer à la consolidation de la paix à travers le développement d’un pastoralisme résilient dans la zone transfrontalière de Diffa et du Kanem
21 September 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/IRF-264: Projet d'appui à la participation des jeunes hommes et jeunes femmes à la gouvernance dans les 20 communes les plus conflictogènes de la Guinée
21 September 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/IRF-289: Appui a l'amélioration de la Gouvernance des Services de Police (PAGASP)
21 September 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/IRF-290: Appui a la gestion des risques liés a la dégradation environnementale dans les zones a risque de radicalisation et de conflits potentiels
21 September 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/BDI/A-15: Appui a la Resilience des jeunes face aux conflits sociopolitiques au Burundi Burundi
21 September 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/IRF-159: Vers un nouvel equilibre en Guinea-Bissau: creer l'espace pour une reelle participation de la femme dans le reglement pacifique des conflits et la gouvernance Guinea-Bissau
21 September 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/IRF-278: Investir dans la jeunesse pour la cohésion sociale et la paix durable au Burundi Burundi
21 September 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/IRF-209: Boosting the media sector for greater Peace and Stability in Guinea-Bissau Guinea-Bissau
21 September 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/IRF-279: Youth leading the way for an engendered inclusive society in Burundi Burundi
21 September 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/IRF-210: Mobilizing rural youth and adolescents to serve as peacebuilding leaders
21 September 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/IRF-269: Projet de restauration de la paix et du dialogue entre les communautés affectées par la transhumance transfrontalière
21 September 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/IRF-265: Placing Women at the center of Justice Reform in Guinea-Bissau Guinea-Bissau
21 September 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/IRF-186: Appui au renouvellement des Forces de Securite Interieure (FSI)
21 September 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/IRF-211: Supporting Women's and Youth Political Participation for Peace and Development in Guinea-Bissau Guinea-Bissau
21 September 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/IRF-186: Appui au renouvellement des Forces de Securite Interieure (FSI)
21 September 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/IRF-212: Supporting political and institutional stabilization of the justice sector for peace consolidation in Guinea-Bissau Guinea-Bissau
21 September 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/IRF-187: Appui a la mediation et au dialogue pour une paix durable en RCA
21 September 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/IRF-227: Appui a la resolution des conflits et a la promotion de la cohesion sociale dans la ville de Jeremie a travers les organisations de jeunes
21 September 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/IRF-259: Participation des jeunes à la gestion durable des ressources forestières pour le renforcement de la cohésion sociale dans la région Ouest de la C?te d’Ivoire C?te d’Ivoire
21 September 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/IRF-258: Kyrgyzstan's youth cohesion and interaction towards Uzbekistan Uzbekistan
21 September 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/IRF-274: Mobilisation des Jeunes Engages pour la Consolidation de la Paix en Cote d'Ivoire ? MOJEC ?
21 September 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/IRF-282: Strengthening capacity of young women and men in Kyrgyzstan to promote peace and security Kyrgyzstan
21 September 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/IRF-262: Renforcer la participation des jeunes leaders Twa & Bantous aux comites locaux de paix ? BARAZA 1 ? pour la consolidation de la paix et la cohesion sociale dans la province du TANGANYIKA
21 September 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/LBR/B-3: Advancing Reconciliation through Legislative Reforms and Civic Engagement
21 September 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/IRF-275: Strengthening young people’s participation in decision making in the high plateau of South Kivu, DRC
21 September 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/SLV/A-1: Programa Conjunto "Paz y reintegracion de las personas migrantes en su regreso a casa"
21 September 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF/IRF-201: Appui au renforcement de la chaine penale et a la lutte contre l'impunite en Guinee
12 September 2022 General Assembly, Financing for Peacebuilding, Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace General Assembly Resolution on Financing for Peacebuilding (A/RES/76/305) https://documents.un.org/doc/undoc/gen/n22/587/40/pdf/n2258740.pdf?token=XTvGFY8EVN6yWjywO6&fe=true
29 July 2022 Peacebuilding Fund Letter from ASG Spehar PBSO DPPA to HE Amb Rabab Fatima PBC Chair re PBF projects
27 July 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF Strategic Performance Framework_July 2022
27 July 2022 Peacebuilding Fund sudan
02 June 2022 Peacebuilding Fund South_Sudan_PBF_June_2022
23 May 2022 Peacebuilding Fund INVESTING IN LEADERSHIP FOR PEACE
23 May 2022 HLM.Summary.PGA.220519.Final
23 May 2022 PGA letter to MS.HLM.PB Financing Summary and Co-Facilitators.220520
18 May 2022 Peacebuilding Fund Local Peacebuilding Thematic Review_Executive Summary_ENG
18 May 2022 Peacebuilding Fund Local Peacebuilding Thematic Review_Executive Summary_FRE
18 May 2022 Peacebuilding Fund Local Peacebuilding Thematic Review_Executive Summary_SPA
18 May 2022 Peacebuilding Fund Local Peacebuilding Thematic Review_Final Report
18 May 2022 Peacebuilding Fund 05132022_ENG_Pre-launch web article_Local PB TR
18 May 2022 Peacebuilding Fund 05132022_FRE_Pre-launch web article_Local PB TR
18 May 2022 Peacebuilding Fund 05132022_SPA_Pre-launch web article_Local PB TR
16 May 2022 Peacebuilding Fund Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment in Liberia Liberia
11 May 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF GYPI 2022 - GPI Webinar ENG
11 May 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF GYPI 2022 - GPI Webinar ES
11 May 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PPT-YPI Thematic Webinar 2023 - English
09 May 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF GYPI 2022 - YPI Webinar ENG
09 May 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF GYPI 2022 - YPI Webinar - FR
09 May 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF GYPI 2022 - YPI Webinar - ES
27 April 2022 Peacebuilding Fund Principles_for_Quality_Financing_for_Peacebuilding_and_Conflict_Prevention_-
19 April 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF GYPI 2022 - Webinar - Introducing GPI & YPI es final
19 April 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF GYPI 2022 - Webinar - Introducing GPI & YPI fr final
19 April 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF GYPI 2022 - Webinar - Introducing GPI & YPI final
12 April 2022 Peacebuilding Fund GYPI Call for proposals 2022_eng
12 April 2022 Peacebuilding Fund GYPI Call for proposals 2022_fre
12 April 2022 Peacebuilding Fund GYPI Call for proposals 2022_spa
11 April 2022 Peacebuilding Fund Concept Note template for UNCT - English
11 April 2022 Peacebuilding Fund Modèle de note conceptuelle UNCT fr
11 April 2022 Peacebuilding Fund Modelo de nota conceptual UNCT sp
11 April 2022 Peacebuilding Fund Concept Note template for CSOs for drafting - eng
11 April 2022 Peacebuilding Fund Modèle de note conceptuelle OCS fr
11 April 2022 Peacebuilding Fund Modelo de nota conceptual OSC sp
08 April 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PB Dashboard Codebook Methodology
08 April 2022 Peacebuilding Fund A_72_707&S_2018_43-EN
08 April 2022 Peacebuilding Fund Discussion Paper Financing for Peacebuilding UNDP
05 April 2022 Peacebuilding Fund DPPA-2022-00395_Invitation letter to Round Tables ahead of the High-Level Meeting Financing for Peacebuilding OUSG DPPA approved
05 April 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF Fund Status Q4 2021 (28.01.2022)_2
04 April 2022 Peacebuilding Fund HLM Roundtables Concise Overview 220404 DPPA
04 April 2022 Peacebuilding Fund Pledge tracker PBF print 2022-04-04
30 March 2022 Peacebuilding Fund summary 2021 - 2022-03-30
30 March 2022 Peacebuilding Fund N2225594 Arabic
30 March 2022 Peacebuilding Fund N2227441 Chinese
30 March 2022 Peacebuilding Fund N2227442 English
30 March 2022 Peacebuilding Fund N2227443 French
30 March 2022 Peacebuilding Fund N2227444 russia
30 March 2022 Peacebuilding Fund N2227445 spanish
28 March 2022 Peacebuilding Fund SG report 2021
24 March 2022 Financing for Peacebuilding PBF MAP 2022 March
22 March 2022 Peacebuilding Fund Community-Based Monitoring and Evaluation (CBM&E) Background Note 2022
22 March 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF Note Genre 2019_FR
22 March 2022 Peacebuilding Fund Rapport Final PBF Madagascar Madagascar
28 February 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF_Burundi_Portfolio_Eval_FINAL_101521 Burundi
17 February 2022 Peacebuilding Fund Financing_the_nexus_report
17 February 2022 Peacebuilding Fund IASC Peace within the Humanitarian-Development-Peace Nexus
17 February 2022 Peacebuilding Fund IASC RG4 Nexus Mapping Synthesis_Report
16 February 2022 Peacebuilding Fund PBF ToC Guidance Note 2021 FR
01 February 2022 Peacebuilding Fund 缅北禁地Community Engagement Guidelines - August 2020.French
10 January 2022 Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace Letter/Note Guidance For HDPP Applicants
08 December 2021 Peacebuilding Fund 2010 Catalytic Programming
08 December 2021 Peacebuilding Fund Peace Dividends Thematic Review_2012
08 December 2021 Peacebuilding Fund SSR and Peacebuilding 2012
08 December 2021 Peacebuilding Fund DDR Thematic Review 2011
01 December 2021 Peacebuilding Fund PBF Chad French Version Chad
22 November 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Report List of projects approved by the PBSO during the Third Quarter of 2021
18 November 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Report Employment Thematic Review 2016
18 November 2021 Peacebuilding Fund Report Gender Thematic Review 2014
18 November 2021 Peacebuilding Fund Report Thematic Review on Gender-Responsive Peacebuilding_final report_Nov 2021
18 November 2021 Peacebuilding Fund Report Gender TR - Executive Summary - FR
18 November 2021 Peacebuilding Fund Report Gender TR - Executive Summary - ENG
18 November 2021 Peacebuilding Fund Report Gender TR - Executive Summary - ESP
16 November 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding PBF Donor Commitments and Pledge Tracker November 2021
06 October 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Resolution 2005 Resolution
12 September 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Country Brief - Sierra Leone Sierra Leone
09 September 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Webinar GYPI - Conflict analysis
25 August 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Pledge Tracker August 2021
25 August 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding PBF in Niger
24 August 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding DRC Country Brief
24 August 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding PBF Colombia Colombia
20 August 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Guinea Bissau Guinea-Bissau
20 August 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding 2-page brief Mali Mali
20 August 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding PBF 2-page Liberia Liberia
19 August 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Guidance TOC English
19 August 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Guidance TOC Spanish
16 August 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Cross Border Template - Eng
04 August 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Report 2020 Certified Financial Statement (Sources and Uses of Funds) | English
04 August 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Letter/Note List of projects approved by the PBSO during the Second Quarter of 2021
04 August 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Letter/Note List of projects approved by the PBSO during the First Quarter of 2021
04 August 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Guidance Value for Money
04 August 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Report 2020 Consolidated Annual Financial Report | English
02 July 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Guidance Guidance Note - JSC
09 June 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding ? Thematic webinar: Mental Health and Psychosocial Wellbeing Spanish
09 June 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Thematic webinar: Civic Space Spanish
28 May 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Civic Space webinar - Eng
28 May 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Civic Space - French
27 May 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Thematic webinar: Civic Space in English
27 May 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Thematic webinar: Civic Space in French
27 May 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Report contact list to the secretariats
27 May 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Report Contact list FR
27 May 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Report concept note template
27 May 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Report Concept note _ FR
27 May 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Report concept note _ Sp
27 May 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Thematic webinar: Mental Health and Psychosocial Wellbeing in English
27 May 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Thematic webinar: Mental Health and Psychosocial Wellbeing in French
11 May 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding 2021 Webinar - Eng
11 May 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding 2021 Webinar French
11 May 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding 2021 Webinar Spanish
03 May 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Remarks The Gambia
03 May 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Remarks EU
03 May 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Remarks Thailand
03 May 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Remarks Fiji
03 May 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Remarks Sweden
03 May 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Remarks Finland
03 May 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Remarks France
03 May 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Remarks Somalia Somalia
03 May 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Remarks Germany
03 May 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Remarks Philippines
03 May 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Remarks Guatemala Guatemala
03 May 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Remarks New Zealand
03 May 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Remarks Guinea Bissau Guinea-Bissau
03 May 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Remarks Madagascar Madagascar
03 May 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Remarks Guyana
03 May 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Remarks Luxembourg
03 May 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Remarks Hungary
03 May 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Call for proposals
03 May 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Remarks India
03 May 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Call for Proposal Spanish
03 May 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Remarks Indonesia
03 May 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Call for proposals French
03 May 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Remarks Ireland
03 May 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Remarks USA
03 May 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Remarks U.K
03 May 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Remarks Denmark
03 May 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Remarks Ukraine
03 May 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Remarks Ecuador
03 May 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Remarks The Gambia
03 May 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Remarks El Salvador
02 May 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Remarks SG Replen remarks
02 May 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Remarks Albania
02 May 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Remarks Australia
02 May 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Remarks Bangladesh
02 May 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Remarks Belgium
02 May 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Remarks Bosnia and Herzegovina
02 May 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Remarks Brazil
02 May 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Remarks Burkina Faso Burkina Faso
02 May 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Remarks Burundi Burundi
02 May 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Remarks Colombia Colombia
02 May 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Remarks Cote D'Ivoire
30 April 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Report Les Absents de la Paix: ??tude Indépendante sur les Jeunes, la Paix et la Sécurité
29 April 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding PBF GYPI 2017 Webinar 1: Introduction to the PBF
29 April 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Report ?tude mondiale sur la mise en ?uvre de la résolution 1325 du Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies
29 April 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding PBF GYPI 2017 Webinar 2: Youth-Inclusive Peacebuilding
29 April 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding PBF GYPI 2017 Webinar 3: Gender-responsive peacebuilding
29 April 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding PBF GYPI 2017 Webinar 4: Conflict Analysis & Theory of Change
29 April 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Report Past GYPI Projects
29 April 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Report Guidance Note on Sustaining Peace
29 April 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Report Guidance Note on Youth and Peacebuilding
29 April 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Report Guidance Note on Gender Marker Scoring
29 April 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Report Pathways for Peace: Inclusive Approaches to Preventing Violent Conflict
29 April 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Report Global Study on the Implementation of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325
29 April 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Report The Highest Aspiration: A Call to Action for Human Rights
29 April 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Report Young Women in Peace and Security: at the Intersection of the YPS and WPS Agendas
29 April 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Report Integrating Human Rights and Sustaining Peace
29 April 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Report 12. Beyond Consultations: A tool for meaningfully engaging with women in fragile and conflict-affected states
29 April 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Report Big Data for Peace and Security
29 April 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding PBF GYPI 2018 Webinar 2: CSO Eligibility
29 April 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Report Chemins Pour La Paix: Approches Inclusives Pour La Prévention Des Conflits Violents (résumé exécutif)
23 April 2021 Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace Report ILO/PBSO brochure on “Sustaining Peace through Decent Work and Employment
23 April 2021 Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace Report Sustaining Peace through Decent Work and Employment
16 April 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Pledge Tracker
14 April 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Report Pledges Dashboard
26 March 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Report Bosnia and Herzegovina - Dialogue 2
26 March 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Report COTE D'IVOIRE irf 199
26 March 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Report Support to Political Dialogue and National Reconciliation in Guinea-Bissau Guinea-Bissau
26 March 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Report Sri Lanka - Empower
26 March 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Report d’appui à la Réintégration Durable pour une Paix Durable au Burundi Burundi
26 March 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Report Haiti IRF 228
26 March 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Report Enhancing Youth Participation in the 2017 Legislative and Presidential Electoral Process
26 March 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Report Sri Lanka IRF 240
26 March 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Report Overcoming barriers to strengthen the voices of all women in Rakhine State for social cohesion and peace
26 March 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Report Alternatives to Violence: Strengthening Youth-Led Peacebuilding
26 March 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Report Soutenir la Participation des Jeunes à la Prévention de la Répétition des atrocités de Masse
26 March 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Report Burkina Faso IRF 164 Burkina Faso
26 March 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Report Support to National Peacebuilding Priorities in Enhancing the Capacity of Human Rights Institutions and Entities
26 March 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Report Gambia SSR
26 March 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Report El Salvador IRF 179
26 March 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Report Philippines IRF 188
24 March 2021 Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace Report De la crise à l’opportunité d’une paix durable
24 March 2021 Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace Report From crisis to opportunity for sustainable peace - Summary and key recommendations
22 March 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Evaluation Guatemala Portfolio Evaluation 2016-2019 Guatemala
22 March 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Evaluation Niger Lessons Learned Exercise 2020
22 March 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Evaluation Madagascar Evaluability Assessment Madagascar
22 March 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Evaluation Burkina Faso Evaluability Assessment Burkina Faso
22 March 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Evaluation Liberia Evaluability Assessment Report Liberia
09 March 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Report Synthesis Review 2020
08 February 2021 UN-WB Partnership Monitoring Report (2019-2020)
27 January 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Communique Communique - Arabic
27 January 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding List of Members List of Speakers and Participants
27 January 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Communique Communiqué Conjoint
27 January 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Communique Joint Communique - Spanish
27 January 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Communique Joint Communique - Russian
27 January 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Communique Communique - Chinese
20 January 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Report Bios
20 January 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Briefing Note Concept Note
20 January 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Briefing Note Replen Conf - Programme
13 January 2021 Financing for Peacebuilding Replen Conf Concept Note
30 December 2020 Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace Background Paper Sustaining peace through the prevention of transhumance-related conflicts
30 December 2020 Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace Background Paper Sustaining Peace through Community Engagement in Peacekeeping Operations
08 December 2020 HDPP Facility 2020 Annual Report Highlights
14 October 2020 Financing for Peacebuilding The Sahel
14 October 2020 Financing for Peacebuilding The Sahel - MAP
06 October 2020 Financing for Peacebuilding Budget Template CSO version 2020_Eng
04 October 2020 Financing for Peacebuilding Briefing Note PBF in Central African Republic Brief Central African Republic
04 October 2020 Financing for Peacebuilding Background Paper PBF Guinea Bissau Country Brief Guinea-Bissau
04 October 2020 Financing for Peacebuilding Pacific Region
02 October 2020 Financing for Peacebuilding Report Project Appraisal Committee (PAC) Minutes
30 September 2020 Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace Report 缅北禁地Community Engagement Guidelines on Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace
16 September 2020 Financing for Peacebuilding Thematic Review on Transitional Justice
28 August 2020 Background Paper PBF in Chad Chad
27 August 2020 Partnership Background Paper ODA Background Information
03 August 2020 Financing for Peacebuilding, The Gambia Background Paper PBF in The Gambia Country Brief
03 August 2020 Financing for Peacebuilding Background Paper PBF in Central African Republic Country Brief Central African Republic
03 August 2020 Background Paper PBF in Burkina Faso - Papua New Guinea Burkina Faso Papua New Guinea
03 August 2020 Financing for Peacebuilding Background Paper PBF in Tajikistan Country Brief Tajikistan
27 July 2020 Financing for Peacebuilding Report Climate Security and Peacebuilding
18 June 2020 Financing for Peacebuilding Report Gender, Climate & Security: Sustaining Inclusive Peace on the Frontlines of Climate Change
12 June 2020 Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace Guidance Fonds HDPP - Guide Pratique
22 May 2020 2020 Review: Concept Note for Institution Building and System-Wide Engagement
22 April 2020 Statement by Ms. Euphemia Dzathor of WINEP
21 April 2020 Chair's statement WPS consultation
21 April 2020 Statement by Ms. Pino Cabrera
21 April 2020 Concept Note WPS Consultation
21 April 2020 Statement by Ms. Mukhubele SANOCO
21 April 2020 Statement by Ms. Mlambo-Ngcuka
15 April 2020 Financing for Peacebuilding PBF Request for Eligibility Template - 2021_ENG
14 February 2020 Financing for Peacebuilding Evaluation Central African Republic Evaluation Central African Republic
14 February 2020 Financing for Peacebuilding Evaluation CAR Evaluation French
12 February 2020 Financing for Peacebuilding Guatemala Two Page Country Brief Guatemala
12 February 2020 Guatemala 2 Pager Guatemala
11 February 2020 Financing for Peacebuilding Evaluation Mali IRF 217 Peers for Peace Mali
11 February 2020 Financing for Peacebuilding Evaluation Myanmar IRF 148 JMC Support Platform Final Evaluation
11 February 2020 Financing for Peacebuilding Evaluation Sierra Leone IRF 217 Improving Women's participation final Evaluation Sierra Leone
11 February 2020 Financing for Peacebuilding Evaluation Solomon Islands IRF 193 Consolidating Peace post-RAMSI Final Evaluation
11 February 2020 Financing for Peacebuilding Evaluation Burundi-Tanzania IRF Cross Border Final Evaluation Burundi
11 February 2020 Financing for Peacebuilding Evaluation Sri Lanka IRF 154 Empowering Women Final Evaluation
11 February 2020 Financing for Peacebuilding Evaluation Chad Cameroon- IRF 192 193 Soutenir les mechanismes de consolidation de la paix Chad
11 February 2020 Financing for Peacebuilding Evaluation Guinea IRF-166_Evaluation_finale_RSS_III Guinea
11 February 2020 Financing for Peacebuilding Evaluation Cote d'Ivoire IRF 156 SWEEP
11 February 2020 Financing for Peacebuilding Evaluation Mali Portfolio Evaluation 2019- Final Report - English Version Mali
11 February 2020 Financing for Peacebuilding Evaluation Cote dIvoire-Liberia IRF 162 163_English Version Liberia
11 February 2020 Financing for Peacebuilding Evaluation Guatemala IRF 145 1325 Empowering Women Guatemala
11 February 2020 Financing for Peacebuilding Evaluation Guinea IRF 149 Rapport Final Evaluation Projet dautonomisation YPI Guinea
11 February 2020 Financing for Peacebuilding Evaluation Guinea IRF 233 Final Evaluation Jeunes et Paix Guinea
11 February 2020 Financing for Peacebuilding Evaluation Liberia IRF 216 Final Evaluation Report Inclusive Security Liberia
11 February 2020 Financing for Peacebuilding Evaluation Liberia IRF 229 Rule of Law Final Evaluation Report Liberia
11 February 2020 Financing for Peacebuilding Evaluation Liberia IRF 230 Multistakeholder Platforms Liberia
11 February 2020 Financing for Peacebuilding Evaluation Liberia IRF 238 Reel Peace Liberia
11 February 2020 Financing for Peacebuilding Evaluation Mali IRF 161 Jeunesse Alafia Mali
07 February 2020 Financing for Peacebuilding Map of Investments 2019
07 February 2020 Financing for Peacebuilding Colombia - Country Profile Colombia
01 November 2019 Financing for Peacebuilding Report Cross border project Budget Template French
02 October 2019 Peacebuilding Fund PBF project document template - 2019 - French
01 October 2019 PBF project concept note template - 2018
01 October 2019 Peacebuilding Fund Guidance PBF project concept note template - 2018
01 October 2019 Peacebuilding Fund Guidance Annex D on budget - 2019-Eng
01 October 2019 Peacebuilding Fund Guidance Annex D on budget - 2019_English
01 October 2019 Peacebuilding Fund Guidance PBF PRF annual strategic report template - 2018 - English
01 October 2019 Peacebuilding Fund Guidance PBF request for eligibility template - 2021 - French
01 October 2019 Peacebuilding Fund Guidance Annex D on budget - 2019 - English
01 October 2019 Peacebuilding Fund Guidance PBF project funds transfer request from MPTFO - 2018 - English
01 October 2019 Peacebuilding Fund Guidance PBF project funds transfer request from MPTFO - 2018 - French
01 October 2019 Peacebuilding Fund Guidance PBF project progress report template - 2018 - English
01 October 2019 Peacebuilding Fund Guidance PBF project progress report template - 2018 - French
01 October 2019 Peacebuilding Fund Guidance PBF PRF annual strategic report template - 2018 - English
01 October 2019 Peacebuilding Fund PBF project concept note template - 2018 - English
19 September 2019 Financing and Youth Guidance PBF Guidance Note on Youth and Peacebuilding 2019
06 September 2019 Evaluation Mali Evaluation Report 2014-2018 English Mali
06 September 2019 Report Mali portfolio evaluation_English Mali
06 September 2019 Report Mail Evaluation Report 2014-2018 French
23 July 2019 Peacebuilding Fund Peacebuilding Plan PBF Project Document Template 2019
30 May 2019 Financing for Peacebuilding, Peacebuilding Fund Evaluation Kyrgyzstan 2018 Project Evaluation - Youth as Agents of Peace and Stability - English Kyrgyzstan
30 May 2019 Financing for Peacebuilding, Peacebuilding Fund Evaluation Kyrgyzstan 2018 Project Evaluation - Women and Girls as Drivers of Peace and the Prevention of Radicalization - English Kyrgyzstan
30 May 2019 Financing for Peacebuilding, Peacebuilding Fund Evaluation Liberia November 2018 Project Evaluation - Strengthening Women's Rights and Participation in Peacebuilding - English Liberia
30 May 2019 Financing for Peacebuilding, Peacebuilding Fund Evaluation Madagascar September 2018 Evaluability Assessment - English Madagascar
30 May 2019 Financing for Peacebuilding, Peacebuilding Fund Evaluation Mali 2018 Project Evaluation - Appui au renforcement de resilience aux conflits des femmes at des jeunes - French Mali
30 May 2019 Financing for Peacebuilding, Peacebuilding Fund Evaluation Mali July 2018 Project Evaluation - Amelioration de I'acces des femmes victimes de violences sexuelles - French Mali
30 May 2019 Financing for Peacebuilding, Peacebuilding Fund Evaluation PNG November 2018 Portfolio Evaluation - English
30 May 2019 Financing for Peacebuilding, Peacebuilding Fund Evaluation Sierra Leone September 2018 Project Evaluation (Mid-term) Conflict Prevention and Mitigation during the Electoral Cycle in Sierra Leone - English Sierra Leone
30 May 2019 Financing for Peacebuilding, Peacebuilding Fund Evaluation Somalia 2018 Project Evaluation (Mid-term) Midnimo Project to Maximize Peacebuilding Impact - English Somalia
30 May 2019 Financing for Peacebuilding, Peacebuilding Fund Evaluation Somalia November 2018 Project Evaluation - Strengthening women's role and participation in peacebuilding - English Somalia
30 May 2019 Financing for Peacebuilding, Peacebuilding Fund Evaluation Somalia October 2018 Project Evaluation - Service Delivery, Risk Management and Priority Plan (Three Projects) English Somalia
30 May 2019 Financing for Peacebuilding, Peacebuilding Fund Evaluation Sri Lanka October 2018 Lessons Learned - PBF Secretariat and Technical Assistance (Two Projects) English
30 May 2019 Financing for Peacebuilding, Peacebuilding Fund Evaluation CAR December 2018 Project Evaluation - Appui au Redeploiement de I'Administration Territoriale - French Central African Republic
30 May 2019 Financing for Peacebuilding, Peacebuilding Fund Evaluation CAR May 2018 Project Evaluation - Appui au processus de Reconciliation nationale - French Central African Republic
30 May 2019 Financing for Peacebuilding, Peacebuilding Fund Evaluation Cote D'Ivoire 2018 Project Evaluation - Les Femmes et Les Jeunes Filles- Actrices de Ia Prevention des Conflits - French
30 May 2019 Financing for Peacebuilding, Peacebuilding Fund Evaluation Guatemala October 2018 Project Evaluation - Paz, Oportunidades y Dialogo - Mujeres comprometidas para tener resultados - Spanish Guatemala
29 May 2019 Peacebuilding Fund, Financing for Peacebuilding Evaluation November 2018 Liberia Project Evaluation Liberia
29 May 2019 Financing for Peacebuilding, Peacebuilding Fund Evaluation September 2018 Madagascar Evaluability Assessment - French Madagascar
29 May 2019 Financing for Peacebuilding, Peacebuilding Fund Evaluation July 2018 Mali Project Evaluation - French Mali
29 May 2019 Financing for Peacebuilding, Peacebuilding Fund Evaluation 2018 Mali Project Evaluation - French Mali
29 May 2019 Financing for Peacebuilding, Peacebuilding Fund Evaluation November 2018 Papua New Guinea Project Evaluation Papua New Guinea
29 May 2019 Financing for Peacebuilding, Peacebuilding Fund Evaluation September 2018 Sierra Leone Project Evaluation Sierra Leone
29 May 2019 Financing for Peacebuilding, Peacebuilding Fund Evaluation 2018 Somalia Project Evaluation Somalia
29 May 2019 Financing for Peacebuilding, Peacebuilding Fund Evaluation November 2018 Somalia Project Evaluation Somalia
29 May 2019 Financing for Peacebuilding, Peacebuilding Fund Evaluation October 2018 Somalia Project Evaluation Somalia
29 May 2019 Financing for Peacebuilding, Peacebuilding Fund Evaluation October 2018 Sri Lanka Lessons Learned
29 May 2019 Financing for Peacebuilding, Peacebuilding Fund Evaluation 2018 Kyrgyzstan Project Evaluation - Women and Girls as Drivers of Peace and the Prevention of Radicalization Kyrgyzstan
29 May 2019 Financing for Peacebuilding, Peacebuilding Fund Evaluation January 2018 Kyrgyzstan Project Evaluation - Youth as Agents of Peace Kyrgyzstan
29 May 2019 Peacebuilding Fund, Financing for Peacebuilding Report 2018 December CAR Project Evaluation - French Central African Republic
29 May 2019 Financing for Peacebuilding, Peacebuilding Fund Evaluation 2018 Project Evaluation C?te d'Ivoire
29 May 2019 Financing for Peacebuilding, Peacebuilding Fund Evaluation October 2018 Guatemala Project Evaluation - Spanish Guatemala
22 May 2019 World Bank, Partnership UN-WB Partnership Framework for Crisis-Affected Situations
22 May 2019 Partnership Guidance for HDPP Applicants
22 May 2019 Review of Peacebuilding Architecture Report Stocktaking of Peacebuilding Expenditures
26 November 2018 Meeting Summary PBC Burundi: Chair's summary of the PBC meeting of 26 November 2018 Burundi
26 November 2018 Meeting Summary Chairperson's Summary on PBC Ambassadorial-level meeting on Burundi Burundi
07 November 2018 PBC Quarterly Work Plan for the 4th Quarter of 2018
07 November 2018 Programme of Work: November 2018
01 May 2018 Cote d'Ivoire May 2017 - Evaluability assessment of Priority Plan (English)
01 May 2018 Cote d'Ivoire May 2017 - Evaluability assessment of Priority Plan (French)
27 April 2018 Liberia December 2017 - Evaluation of Priority Plans Liberia
20 April 2018 Side Events in lead up to and around the High-level Meeting on Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace on 24-25 April 2018
02 April 2018 Peace Dividends and Beyond: Contributions of Administrative Social Services to Peacebuilding
02 April 2018 Monitoring Peace Consolidation: 缅北禁地Practitioners' Guide to Benchmarking
02 April 2018 Thematic Review of Security Sector Reform (SSR) and Peacebuilding
22 March 2018 Liberia: Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace in Practice Liberia
22 March 2018 Liberia: Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace in Practice Liberia
28 February 2018 The Capacities of the 缅北禁地Agencies, Funds, and Programmes to Sustain Peace: An Independent Review
18 January 2018 Report of the Secretary-General on Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace (A/72/707–S/2018/43)R
18 January 2018 Report of the Secretary-General on Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace (A/72/707–S/2018/43)S
18 January 2018 Report of the Secretary-General on Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace (A/72/707–S/2018/43)E
18 January 2018 Report of the Secretary-General on Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace (A/72/707–S/2018/43)A
18 January 2018 Report of the Secretary-General on Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace (A/72/707–S/2018/43)C
18 January 2018 Report of the Secretary-General on Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace (A/72/707–S/2018/43)F
01 November 2017 Kyrgyzstan Tajikistan November 2017 - Lessons Learned of cross-border project Kyrgyzstan
18 September 2017 African Union Communique Joint Communique on United Nations-African Union Memorandum of Understanding on Peacebuilding Africa
01 September 2017 Guinea September 2017 - Lessons Learned of Gender Promotion Initiative 2 project Guinea
01 September 2017 Guinea September 2017 - Lessons Learned of Gender Promotion Initiative 2 project Guinea
01 August 2017 Mali August 2017 - Evaluation of education project Mali
01 August 2017 Kyrgyzstan August 2017 - Evaluation of Priority Plan Kyrgyzstan
03 July 2017 Guinea July 2017 - Evaluation of Priority Plans (French) Guinea
03 July 2017 Guinea July 2017 - Executive Summary of Evaluation of Priority Plans (English) Guinea
01 June 2017 Central African Republic June 2017 - Evaluation of community violence reduction project Central African Republic
01 May 2017 Myanmar May 2017 - Evaluation of Center for Diversity and National Harmony project
01 May 2017 Myanmar May 2017 - Evaluation of Center for Diversity and National Harmony project
22 April 2017 World Bank 2017 United Nations-World Bank Partnership Framework for Crisis Affected Situations
01 February 2017 Democratic Republic of Congo February 2017 - Evaluation of stabilisation pilot projects
17 January 2017 What does “sustaining peace” mean?
23 May 2016 Report The Peace Promise
22 August 2015 Final Report: Global Forum on Youth, Peace and Security
01 April 2014 Special Issue Newsletter: Natural Resources and Peacebuilding. Presented in cooperation with the 缅北禁地Environment Programme (UNEP)
01 March 2014 Thematic Review on Gender and Peacebuilding?
06 November 2013 Women and Natural Resources: Unlocking the Peacebuilding Potential. Presented in cooperation with UNDP, UNEP and 缅北禁地Women
20 December 2012 PBC Advisory role to the Security Council Statement Remarks by the Secretary-General to Security Council Open Debate on Post-Conflict Peacebuilding (20 December 2012)
29 November 2012 Statement Remarks by the Assistant Secretary-General for Peacebuilding Support to the opening session of the PBF High-level Stakeholders meeting?(29 November 2012)
31 August 2012 Resource Mobilisation for Peacebuilding Priorities: The Role of the Peacebuilding Commission (PBC)
06 June 2012 Workshop Report by the 缅北禁地Peacebuilding Support Office - Building Just Societies: Reconciliation in Transitional Settings
07 May 2012 Statement Remarks at the Centre for Strategic and Internationsl Studies: "Building and Sustaining Peace: The 缅北禁地Role in Post-Conflict Situations"?(7?May?2012)
22 November 2011 Statement Remarks by the Assistant Secretary-General for Peacebuilding Support to the opening session of the PBF High-level Stakeholders meeting?(22 November 2011)
01 November 2011 The Peacebuilding Review, November 2011
31 October 2011 PBC Advisory role to the Security Council Statement Remarks by the Assistant Secretary-General for Peacebuilding Support to the Security Council?(31?October?2011)
01 June 2011 Workshop Report: Operationalizing National Ownership in Post-Conflict Peacebuilding
30 October 2010 Peacebuilding Architecture Flyer
15 September 2010 Peacebuilding Orientation
07 September 2010 Report of the Secretary-General on Women’s Participation in Peacebuilding - 7 Point Action Plan