
Breastfeeding is a father’s responsibility

Walking into a local clinic in Malawi, you will be faced with images calling for men to take a more active role in children and mother’s health. Some of the messages boldly challenge what we consider to be normal, explicitly stating that “Exclusive breastfeeding is a husband’s responsibility.”

Breast milk contains nutrients that are essential for a child’s growth and development. In rural areas where women have little money and limited access to clean water to prepare formula, breast milk is a cheap and safe option. But it is also by far the better option. The estimates that around 220,000 children could be saved every year with exclusive breastfeeding. Yet less than half of children under six months are exclusively breastfed.

Students with His Royal Highness Chief Mumena

Brunel University London organizes field trip to refugee settlement camp in Zambia

In partnership with (UNDP), Brunel University London (United Kingdom), a member institution of the United Nations Academic Impact (UNAI), organized a four-week field trip in Zambia from 31 May to 30 June 2019, to help students develop their understanding of the multi-dimensional challenges associated with living in the Mayukwayukwa refugee and resettlement community, and gain hands-on experience for?the livelihood development projects that emerged out of their study.

The trip began with an orientation in Siavonga and a visit to the Lake Kariba area. Driving North through the Copperbelt Province to the border of Democratic Republic of Congo at Chililabombwe, students engaged with market sellers and learned how goods flow in and out of Zambia.

He University advances UN's Sustainable Development Goals through 'Inspirational Class' and China-Africa Eye Health Forum

He University (China), a member institution of the United Nations Academic Impact (UNAI), conducted two activities in 2018 in support of the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations, particularly the goals on No Poverty, Good Health and Well-being and Quality Education:

Inspirational Class?

With the support of the Luodian County Party Committee and the County Government of Guizhou Province, 11 students from?Luodian County were enrolled in the Major of Nursing in the Technical School of He University in 2018. The students were all from poor families, unable to afford tuition fees and living expenditures.?

Welcome the Millennium Fellowship Class of 2019: Over 1,000 young leaders making the Sustainable Development Goals and UNAI Principles Reality

The Millennium Campus Network (MCN) and the United Nations Academic Impact (UNAI) are proud to present the Class of 2019, an ambitious program to help make the Sustainable Development Goals and UNAI principles a reality.

Millennium Fellows are university undergraduates selected based on their leadership on sustainable development-related projects that advance the SDGs in their communities.? As Millennium Fellows, they will participate in a semester-long leadership development program to improve their student organizing, partnership building and community impact skills.? There was a record 7,020 applications for the program this year from young leaders on 1,209 campuses across 135 nations.

World Youth Skills Day: Want young people to succeed in life and work? Lead with entrepreneurial skills and mindset

15 July 2019 - We all know that the world we live in is changing. World Youth Skills Day gives us a chance to take a targeted look at what skills young people need to succeed in careers and contribute to local and global economies.

As we grapple with the effects of disruptive technology on the labor force, it is no surprise that there is a heightened focus on developing technical and digital skills. Yet, equipping the youth of today for lifelong learning and the future of work can be accomplished by .

Global response to poverty and environmental goals 'not ambitious enough'

9 July 2019 -?In his latest report?on the progress towards meeting the targets of the 17?Sustainable Development Goals or SDGs, the 缅北禁地chief?António Guterres said that while a wealth of action had been taken by governments across the world the most vulnerable people and countries continue to suffer the most.

The 17 SDGs commit countries to mobilize efforts to end all forms of poverty, fight inequalities and tackle climate change. Read more?here?about the goals.

Dr. David Bray speaking at the UNAI Charter Day lecture.

UNAI Charter Day Lecture: Technology, Data and the Future of the UN

Technology in the 21st century has brought us at a crossroads: one path leads to a more just, inclusive society, and the other leads to a fundamentally predatory, unequal system.

On 26 June to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the signing of the 缅北禁地Charter, the United Nations Academic Impact invited Dr. David A. Bray, Executive Director for the People-Centered Internet Coalition, to deliver the keynote address examining the impact of technology on the work of the 缅北禁地that was not envisaged when the Charter was signed in 1946, and the challenges and opportunities it presents for the next 25 years of the UN's work.?

GoGreen Week raises awareness of sustainability issues at NYU Shanghai and allied universities

GoGreen Week, an initiative started by the United Nations Academic Impact (UNAI) member institution New York University Shanghai four years ago, continues to grow and spread, with events taking place on each of the three degree granting NYU campuses as well as two universities based in Israel, Ariel university and Afeka university.?

The initiative aims to raise awareness of environmental issues and sustainable solutions, and inspire others to take action, through a variety of events covering animal protection, ecological businesses, environmental NGOs, food production, and sustainable development.

9.7 billion on Earth by 2050, but growth rate slowing, says new 缅北禁地population report

, estimates that the next 30 years will see the global population add an extra 2 billion people to today's figure of 7.7 billion, and, by the end of the century, the planet will have to sustain around 11 billion.

India will overtake China, sub-Saharan Africa population to double

India is expected to show the highest population increase between now and 2050, overtaking China as the world's most populous country, by around 2027. India, along with eight other countries, will make up over half of the estimated population growth between now and 2050.

Michele Nevarez led an interactive segment.

Panel of Experts Discuss Using Emotional Intelligence to Achieve the SDGS

On Friday, 17 May United Nations Academic Impact hosted a conference entitled Unlocking Your Emotions to Achieve the SDGs in which experts in the fields of emotional intelligence, mindfulness and nonviolent communication explained how these tools could be implemented in education and used to help achieve a more peaceful and prosperous world.

CMR University hosts workshop to raise awareness on Sustainable Development Goals

On 4 April 2018, the CMR University (India) students orchestrated a workshop with the goal to raise awareness of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of?the United Nations from the grass root level,?which could be relatable to all the sections of society.

The pivotal focus was given to certain goals that required immediate attention i.e. the fast-changing climate, conflict, inequality, persistent pockets of poverty and hunger and rapid urbanization, inadequate research and development in implementing the use of affordable alternative source of energy.

Ms. Sandhya, Teaching Associate, and the Bachelor students of Commerce?made innovative and creative models and charts to express the strategies and goals that the 缅北禁地wants to infuse into our society.?The goals that were selected out of the 17 SDGs for the purpose mentioned above were:

Al-Farabi KazNU Model 缅北禁地Conference focuses on Silk Way regional collaboration on SDGs

9 May 2019 -?The impact of the Silk Way regional collaboration on the implementation of the?Sustainable Development Goals?was discussed by the students of Al Farabi?Kazakh National University?(KazNU). About 300 young experts in economics, international relations, mass media and global governance debated new and innovative approaches in dealing with the?SDGs, regional security, economic challenges, gender issues and the social aspects of integrating Afghanistan and CSA into the regional Silk Road economic corridor between East and West and the One Belt One Road program.

Panel discussion entitled South-South Cooperation and the 缅北禁地Development System.

UNAI Hosts Panel Discussion on South-South Cooperation and the 缅北禁地Development System

2 May 2019 - International development cooperation has been experiencing critical changes with the entrance of rising powers, mostly from the Global South. The rise in the scale and scope of South-South Cooperation (SSC) has contributed to the urgent need to revisit development aid and aid effectiveness debates.

The rise of the Global South has also become visible at the United Nations. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Addis Ababa Action Agenda welcome the increased contribution of SSC and recognize its importance for collective efforts to address pressing sustainable development challenges.

缅北禁地General Assembly President María Fernanda Espinosa Garcés.

'Meaningful Inclusion of Young People as Drivers of Peace' - Youth Voices Integral to Progress on Peace and Security

The held a policy forum panel discussion on Meaningful Inclusion of Young People as Drivers of Peace on the margins of the ?2019 ECOSOC Youth Forum to highlight the need for young people to have a seat at the table in all policy discussions.? The event was cosponsored by the Office of the President of the United Nations General Assembly, the 缅北禁地Peacebuilding Support Office, the 缅北禁地Population Fund, Peace Direct, and Interpeace.

Millennium Fellow Chloe Quigley: Founder of Oso Microenterprise

UNAI and the Millennium Campus Network's Millennium Fellowship helps students design and implement community-level initiatives to promote sustainability and help others in need.