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The disciplinary sanction was based on the finding that he had made a material misrepresentation on several personal history forms when applying for jobs. The UNDT found that it has been established that on three occasions—sometime in or around October 2011, on 25 March 2005 and on 21 February 2007—the Applicant’s personal history forms incorrectly indicated he did not have “relatives employed by a public international organization”, whereas his brother was in fact employed by the United Nations until 8 December 2008. The UNDT found, however, that the established facts did not amount to...

The UNDT found that there was change of official duty station and that, as a result, the application of Entebbe’s post adjustment rate and payment of DSA for only 30 days were lawful. The Tribunal also dismissed all the other Applicant’s contentions. As a preliminary matter, the Tribunal examined the receivability of the application given that the parties disagreed on the date on which the Applicant ought to have known of the decision. The Tribunal found that the application was receivable. Receivability – Notification of an administrative decision: The Administration is obliged to communicate...

The Tribunal found no evidence of an express promise in writing sufficient to support a legitimate expectation of renewal of appointment. The Tribunal also found that the reason given for the decision was sufficiently supported by the weight of the credible evidence. The Applicant did not meet the burden of proving that the decision was motivated by bias, prejudice or discrimination.

The Applicant submitted three sets of education grant claims, on 19 November 2012, 12 July 2013, and 8 September 2014 in respect to the relevant school years. The Tribunal found that on 14 February 2013, 11 September 2013, and 2 October 2014, respectively, OHRM made decisions not to process the three claims, pending settlement of the Applicant’s claim in respect to the 2011–2012 school year. It was alleged that the Applicant had submitted misleading or false documents in respect to this claim. The Applicant submitted a request for management evaluation in respect of all three of his education...

he Tribunal rescinded the decision not to grant the Applicant a continuing appointment and ordered the Respondent to grant the Applicant a continuing appointment retroactively from 7 June 2014. As the contested decision concerned a question of appointment, the Respondent was given the alternative option of paying the Applicant USD5,000 in compensation. The Applicant’s request for moral damages was rejected.

The Tribunal (a) granted the application in part, (b) rescinded the contested decision in part and replaced the excessive and unlawful disciplinary measure of dismissal with the lesser sanction of separation from service with termination indemnity; (c) ordered the judgment to be included in the Applicant’s official status file and all references relating to the disciplinary sanction of dismissal to be removed from this file and to be replaced with the new sanction, namely separation from service with termination indemnity; and (d) in the event that the Respondent would decide not to rescind...

The Tribunal noted that the provisions of both the former Staff Rules and the former mobility Administrative Instruction were very clear in that staff members holding temporary appointments are not eligible to receive mobility allowance.; The Tribunal found that the period when the Applicant held temporary appointments could not count towards the requirement of five years’ prior consecutive service.; The Tribunal noted that the Applicant resigned in 2014 from his appointment in the General Service category, which he had held since 1993, and later received successive temporary appointments for...

Reason for non-renewal; It is commonplace that once the Respondent gives a staff member a reason for the nonrenewal of contract, such a reason must be supported by facts (Islam 2011-UNAT-115); The fact that the Respondent conceded that he could not demonstrate the lack of funds leading to the non-renewal of the Applicant’s contract leads the Tribunal to draw the negative inference that UNICEF PCO had decided not to renew the Applicant’s contract based on other reasons that were disclosed neither to the Applicant nor to this Tribunal.; Furthermore, the Tribunal does not find that the fact that...

From both the testimonies and the documentary evidence before the Tribunal, it found as established that the dire financial situation at UNDP KCO, as it related to the “11888 fund”, was the reason for the non-renewal of the Applicant’s contract. The Applicant did not produce any evidence allowing the Tribunal to conclude that at the time of the contested decision, the “11888 fund” still had funds to allow the Organization to renew her contract. While it is not contested that an incident occurred during the mission to Rwanda in 2014, the Tribunal does not find that the testimonies and...