Judge Sheha

Showing 41 - 60 of 81

Le TANU a estimé que le Bureau de l'inspecteur général (IGO) et l'administration n'avaient pas correctement pris en compte les facteurs pertinents portés à leur attention au cours de l'enquête sur les fautes commises par l'agent.  En particulier, ils n'ont pas pris en compte le contexte médical dans lequel la faute a été commise, qui aurait pu être disculpatoire pour l'agent.  Le TANU a constaté qu'ils n'avaient pas examiné et apprécié les effets potentiels de la tumeur cérébrale et/ou du traitement de l'agent sur certains aspects de ses relations interpersonnelles avec d'autres membres du...

Le Tribunal d'appel a rejeté l'appel, estimant qu'il était évident, à la lecture du mémoire d'appel, que M. Hammad ne soutenait pas que le tribunal de l'UNRWA avait commis une erreur de fait ou de droit. Il s'est contenté de présenter les mêmes arguments que ceux qu'il avait déjà avancés dans sa demande de révision devant le tribunal de l'UNRWA et n'a pas démontré en quoi le tribunal de l'UNRWA avait commis une erreur.  

The UNAT noted that the essence of the administrative decision had been that the staff member was not entitled to cashed-up unused annual leave from a second appointment taken up within 12 months of relinquishing a first appointment after which such leave had been commutated.

The UNAT observed that the staff member’s request for management evaluation referred to the Administration’s alleged “continued failure” to compensate him the commutation of annual leave. The UNAT found that the reference reinforced a conclusion that it had been the consistent decision conveyed to him over several months...

The UNAT held that the Inspector General’s Office (IGO) and the Administration failed to properly consider relevant factors brought to their attention during the investigation into the staff member's misconduct.  Specifically, they did not considerate the medical context in which the established misconduct occurred, which could have been exculpatory for the staff member.  The UNAT found that they failed to investigate and appreciate the potential effects of the staff member's brain tumour and/or treatment on certain aspects of his interpersonal relations with other staff members.

The UNAT...

The UNAT held that the terms of the impugned Judgment were sufficiently clear and unambiguous to be enforceable, and consequently, the former staff member’s application was not receivable.  In particular, the UNAT found that there was no ambiguity concerning the correctness of the grounds for and the nature of the disciplinary measure taken by the Administration against the former staff member. 

Similarly, the UNAT held that the reasoning regarding the referral of the case to the High Commissioner for possible action to enforce accountability was clear and unambiguous.  However, even if the...

The UNAT noted that in light of multiple competing requests for lateral transfer, the staff member had not been one of the candidates who was recommended and selected for the position because her responsibilities had been different from the duties of the requested position, and the Agency sought candidates more familiar with those duties.

The UNAT held that under the relevant legal provisions governing lateral transfers, read together and not in isolation, the Agency had been authorized to base its assessment on the candidates’ suitability for the post instead of seniority, compelling reasons...

The UNAT held that a procedural flaw occurred during the recruitment process due to the inappropriate screening of educational requirements.  Specifically, the UNAT highlighted that the Hiring Manager failed to verify if the candidates’ degrees were in fields related to Supply Chain Management, business administration/management, instead considering all of them eligible in respect of educational requirements. Nevertheless, highlighting that the former staff member was, unlike 16 other candidates, neither recommended for the position, nor rostered for future similar vacancies, the UNAT held...

The UNAT found that an objective reading of the staff member’s request for decision review showed clearly that she had only contested the second and not the first reprimand, both issued for not performing assigned teaching tasks. The UNAT considered references to the official having issued it, its date and the remedy sought indicated in the request. The UNAT therefore held that the UNRWA DT had not erred in fact or in law when it considered that the staff member had not submitted a request for decision review in respect of the first reprimand and found the application in the respective part...

The UNAT held that the UNDT acted within its discretion by issuing the impugned Judgment without holding an oral hearing, especially as the issue for consideration was one of receivability.  The UNAT also held that the UNDT did not err in failing to give the staff member an opportunity to comment on the Secretary-General’s reply as he did not file a motion for additional pleadings.

The UNAT found that the UNDT correctly identified that the contested decision was the Administration’s decision not to reclassify his position.

The UNAT held that the staff member should have appealed the...

The UNAT noted that the staff member had requested to be reclassified at Grade HL7 in her e-mail dated 2 January 2017 and her subsequent communications had been reiterations of that request.

The UNAT held that the Administration should compensate the actual loss of income the staff member incurred from the moment her reclassification should have been implemented. The UNAT found that the UNWRA DT had appropriately considered the time limit of six months reasonable. The UNAT concluded that the UNRWA DT had not erred in law or fact in holding that she should be paid the difference in salary and...

Le TANU a estimé que les faits sur lesquels l'agent s'appuyait dans sa demande de révision étaient tous postérieurs à l'arrêt du TANU et ne pouvaient donc pas servir de base à la révision ou au réexamen des conclusions antérieures du TANU.  En particulier, le TANU a estimé que le dossier médical de l'agent, indiquant un changement de son état de santé après le prononcé de l'arrêt du TANU, ne constituait pas un motif de révision.  

Toutefois, le TANU a accédé à la demande d'anonymat de l'agent pour le présent arrêt uniquement, compte tenu de la portée limitée des questions soulevées et des...

Le TANU a estimé que les tentatives de l'agent pour plaider à nouveau sa cause n'avaient pas permis d'identifier une quelconque erreur susceptible d'être examinée dans le jugement du TNDU, ce qui justifiait à lui seul le rejet de son recours.  En tout état de cause, indépendamment du bien-fondé de sa demande, le TANU a estimé que sa requête était prescrite en vertu de l'article 8, paragraphe 4, du statut du TANU, puisqu'elle l'avait introduite 27 ans après avoir reçu la décision contestée.  Rappelant qu'aucun des deux tribunaux n'est habilité à prolonger les délais dans ces circonstances, le...

The UNAT held that the staff member’s attempts to reargue her case failed to identify any reviewable error in the UNDT Judgment, warranting alone dismissal of her appeal.  In any event, regardless of the merits of her claim, the UNAT found that her application was time-barred under Article 8(4) of the UNDT Statute since she filed it 27 years after her receipt of the contested decision.  Recalling that there is no authority given to either tribunal to extend time limits in these circumstances, the UNAT concluded that the UNDT was correct to conclude that her application was not receivable.


The UNAT held that the facts upon which the staff member relied in his application for revision all post-dated the UNAT Judgment and therefore could not serve as a basis for revising or reconsidering the UNAT’s prior conclusions.  In particular, the UNAT found that the staff member’s medical record, indicating a change in his condition after the issuance of the UNAT Judgment, did not constitute grounds for revising it.  

However, the UNAT granted the staff member’s request for anonymity for the present Judgment only, given the limited scope of the issues raised and the specific facts...

Le Tribunal a souscrit à la conclusion du Tribunal sur la recevabilité de la demande, mais a suggéré que le Tribunal aurait dû appliquer une méthode différente pour statuer sur la demande.

Le Tribunal a estimé que le fonctionnaire n’avait pas qualité pour agir devant le Tribunal en ce qui concerne les réclamations formulées en sa qualité d’entrepreneur individuel, de sorte que cette demande a été rejetée pour des motifs ratione personae. Les autres demandes formulées en sa qualité d’ancien fonctionnaire ont été rejetées pour des raisons ratione materiae. Il n’a pas réussi à le prouver qu’une...

The UNAT agreed with the UNDT’s conclusion on the receivability of the application but suggested that the UNDT should have applied a different methodology for determining it.

The UNAT held that the staff member did not have standing before the UNDT regarding claims made in his former capacity as an individual contractor, and thus this claim failed on ratione personae grounds. The other claims made in his former capacity as staff member failed on ratione materiae grounds. He failed to prove that a specific request had been made to the Administration for certification of service. Absent any...

L’UNAT a rejeté la demande d’anonymat de l’appelant car la question soulevée dans son appel était purement procédurale et juridictionnelle et ne concernait aucune donnée personnelle devant être protégée.

L’UNAT a également rejeté la demande d’audience de l’appelant, estimant que cela n’aiderait pas le Tribunal d’appel à régler l’affaire de manière rapide et équitable.

L'UNAT a estimé que le requérant ayant déposé sa requête 93 jours après la réception de la décision administrative contestée, celle-ci n'était pas recevable, sauf renonciation au délai par le Tribunal. L’UNAT a observé qu’étant...

The UNAT denied the Appellant’s request for anonymity as the issue presented in his appeal was purely procedural and jurisdictional and did not involve any personal data which had to be protected.

The UNAT also denied the Appellant’s request for an oral hearing, finding that that it would not assist the Appeals Tribunal in the expeditious and fair disposal of the case.

The UNAT held that because the Appellant filed his application 93 days after the receipt of the contested administrative decision, it was not receivable, absent waiver of the deadline of the UNDT. The UNAT observed that given...

L'UNAT a examiné un appel du Secrétaire général.

L'UNAT a estimé que l'administration de l'examen écrit sur les affaires de sécurité dans la présente affaire n'avait pas respecté les normes minimales détaillées dans Chhikara. L'UNAT a noté que l'Administration avait d'abord administré le test, analysé les résultats, et qu'ensuite seulement elle avait décidé que certaines questions devaient être éliminées de l'examen. L'UNAT a estimé que la suppression inopinée et ex post de questions de l'examen écrit, après que celui-ci ait déjà été corrigé, violait à première vue l'obligation d'administrer...