
Rule 9.6(a)

Showing 1 - 10 of 17

UNAT considered an appeal by the Secretary-General. As a preliminary matter, UNAT dismissed Ms Guzman’s Motion to file an Addendum to Answer the Secretary-General’s Appeal, after finding that the material she wished to submit was more properly suited for a hearing on the merits and was not germane to the issue being reviewed by UNAT. On the merits, UNAT found that UNDT’s conclusion that the contested decision was not affected by the exclusionary provision of Article 10(2) of its Statute and Article 14 of its Rules of Procedure was not supported by the contents of Ms Guzman’s amended Motion of...

The Secretary-General appealed UNDT’s finding that the contested decisions to abolish Ms Nouinou’s post, the consequent decision not to renew her two-year fixed-term appointment, and the refusal to re-assign her for two months under a zero-dollar incumbency, where she had been selected for a short-term position, were unlawful. UNAT held that UNDT made a grave error in law in terms of the basic legal position, which defined the subject of the litigation before it and the appeal. UNAT held that there was no administrative decision to terminate Ms Nouinou’s contract prior to its expiration and...

UNAT considered an appeal by Mr Ahmad and a cross-appeal by the Secretary-General. UNAT held that UNDT was correct to hold that Mr Ahmad’s appointment was not terminated. UNAT held that UNDT should not have rescinded the decision placing him on SLWFP. UNAT held that UNDT had correctly held that the SLWFP decision had been rendered moot because the employment relationship had ceased and the special leave had been consumed. UNAT held that UNDT was correct to reject Mr Ahmad’s claim for compensation as there was no direct link between the SLWFP decision and the termination indemnity. UNAT held...

UNAT considered an appeal by Mr Garbo and a cross-appeal by the Secretary-General. UNAT held that UNDT was correct to hold that Mr Garbo’s appointment was not terminated. UNAT held that UNDT should not have rescinded the decision placing him on SLWFP. UNAT held that UNDT had correctly held that the SLWFP decision had been rendered moot because the employment relationship had ceased and the special leave had been consumed. UNAT held that UNDT correctly rejected the Appellant’s claim for compensation as there was no direct link between the SLWFP decision and the termination indemnity. UNAT held...

UNAT considered an appeal by Mr Hamdan and a cross-appeal by the Secretary-General. UNAT held that UNDT was correct to hold that Mr Hamdan’s appointment was not terminated. UNAT held that UNDT should not have rescinded the decision placing him on SLWFP. UNAT held that UNDT had correctly held that the SLWFP decision had been rendered moot because the employment relationship had ceased and the special leave had been consumed. UNAT held that UNDT was correct to reject Hamdan’s claim for compensation as there was no direct link between the SLWFP decision and the termination indemnity. UNAT held...

UNAT affirmed the UNDT Judgment, finding that the staff member’s FTA was not terminated but rather, it expired in its own course. The Tribunal highlighted that a termination is initiated by the Secretary-General, under Staff Rule 9.6(a), and in the instant case, the staff member was not at all terminated on 30 May 2019. Instead, his FTA continued until its expiry on 30 June 2019, and until then, he retained his full position, rights and entitlements as a staff member of the Organization. The fact that the site was closed down, and the staff member was sent home with no work to do, is not...

The Tribunal found that the case was one of termination of mandate, rather than of abolition of post under the relevant rules; hence, the decision to terminate the Applicant’s permanent appointment was illegal. It further decided that even if one were to follow the Respondent’s argument that it was post abolition, such abolition needed the approval of the Board of UNICRI which had not been obtained. Finally, following the argument that it was post abolition, the Tribunal noted that the Administration clearly failed to comply with its obligation to make reasonable and good faith efforts under...

The Tribunal found that the Respondent did not comply with his obligation to make reasonable and good faith efforts under staff rules 9.6(e) and 13.1(d) to find the Applicant an alternative post. Termination of appointment: A termination of a contract of employment by reason of restructuring of the workplace is lawful provided that the Organization discharges fully its duty and obligations towards the displaced staff member in accordance with the applicable law; the latter, in the case of termination of a permanent appointment for abolition of post, is staff rules 9.6(e) and 13.1(d). Duty of...

Termination of permanent appointment in case of post abolition: A decision to terminate a permanent appointment of a General Service staff member, taken on the basis of a decision by the General Assembly to abolish all posts in the category of that encumbered by the Applicant is legal, provided that no post at the mission remains for which the Applicant could potentially have been considered.Staff consultation: An essential element of consultation is that each party have the opportunity to make the other party aware of its views. However, consultations are not negotiations and it is not...

Termination of permanent appointment in case of post abolition: A decision to terminate a permanent appointment of a General Service staff member, taken on the basis of a decision by the General Assembly to abolish all posts in the category of that encumbered by the Applicant is legal, provided that no post at the mission remains for which the Applicant could potentially have been considered.Staff consultation: An essential element of consultation is that each party have the opportunity to make the other party aware of its views. However, consultations are not negotiations and it is not...